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0#翻译 |
Appendix H: Request and Response Objects
附录H HTTP请求(Request)和回应(Response)对象
----------------------------------------------- |
6234天前 |
翻译 |
1#翻译 |
Django uses request and response objects to pass state through the system.
Django使用request和response对象在系统间传递状态。 |
5318天前 |
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2#翻译 |
When a page is requested, Django creates an ``HttpRequest`` object that
contains metadata about the request. Then Django loads the appropriate view,
passing the ``HttpRequest`` as the first argument to the view function. Each
view is responsible for returning an ``HttpResponse`` object.
当一个页面被请示时,Django创建一个包含请求元数据的 ``HttpRequest`` 对象。
然后Django调入合适的视图,把 ``HttpRequest`` 作为视图函数的第一个参数
传入。每个视图要负责返回一个 ``HttpResponse`` 对象。 |
5318天前 |
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3#翻译 |
Weve used these objects often throughout the book; this appendix explains the
complete APIs for ``HttpRequest`` and ``HttpResponse`` objects.
我们在书中已经使用过这些对象了;这篇附录说明了 ``HttpRequest`` 和 ``HttpResponse``
的全部API。 |
6200天前 |
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4#翻译 |
````````````````` |
6020天前 |
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5#翻译 |
``HttpRequest`` represents a single HTTP request from some user-agent.
``HttpRequest`` 表示来自某客户端的一个单独的HTTP请求。 |
6153天前 |
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6#翻译 |
Much of the important information about the request is available as attributes
on the ``HttpRequest`` instance (see Table H-1). All attributes except
``session`` should be considered read-only.
HttpRequest实例的属性包含了关于此次请求的大多数重要信息(详见表H-1)。 除了session外的所有属性都应该认为是只读的. |
5917天前 |
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7#翻译 |
.. table:: Table H-1. Attributes of HttpRequest Objects
|Attribute |Description |
|``path`` |A string representing the full path to the requested page, |
| |not including the domain for example, |
| |``"/music/bands/the_beatles/"`` . |
|``method`` |A string representing the HTTP method used in the request. |
| |This is guaranteed to be uppercase. For example: |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | if request.method == 'GET': |
| | do_something() |
| | elif request.method == 'POST': |
| | do_something_else() |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
|``GET`` |A dictionary-like object containing all given HTTP GET |
| |parameters. See the upcoming ``QueryDict`` documentation. |
|``POST`` |A dictionary-like object containing all given HTTP POST |
| |parameters. See the upcoming ``QueryDict`` documentation. |
| | |
| |Its possible that a request can come in via POST with an |
| |empty ``POST`` dictionary if, say, a form is requested via |
| |the POST HTTP method but does not include form data. |
| |Therefore, you shouldnt use ``if request.POST`` to check |
| |for use of the POST method; instead, use ``if |
| |request.method == "POST"`` (see the ``method`` entry in |
| |this table). |
| | |
| |Note: ``POST`` does *not* include file-upload information. |
| |See ``FILES`` . |
|``REQUEST`` |For convenience, a dictionary-like object that searches |
| |``POST`` first, and then ``GET`` . Inspired by PHPs |
| |``$_REQUEST`` . |
| | |
| |For example, if ``GET = {"name": "john"}`` and ``POST = |
| |{"age": '34'}`` , ``REQUEST["name"]`` would be ``"john"`` ,|
| |and ``REQUEST["age"]`` would be ``"34"`` . |
| | |
| |Its strongly suggested that you use ``GET`` and ``POST`` |
| |instead of ``REQUEST`` , because the former are more |
| |explicit. |
|``COOKIES`` |A standard Python dictionary containing all cookies. Keys |
| |and values are strings. See Chapter 12 for more on using |
| |cookies. |
|``FILES`` |A dictionary-like object containing all uploaded files. |
| |Each key in ``FILES`` is the ``name`` from the ``<input |
| |type="file" name="" />`` . Each value in ``FILES`` is a |
| |standard Python dictionary with the following three keys: |
| | |
| |* ``filename`` : The name of the uploaded file, as a |
| | Python string |
| | |
| |* ``content-type`` : The content type of the uploaded |
| | file. |
| | |
| |* ``content`` : The raw content of the uploaded file. |
| | |
| |Note that ``FILES`` will contain data only if the request |
| |method was ``POST`` and the ``<form>`` that posted to the |
| |request had ``enctype="multipart/form-data"`` . Otherwise, |
| |``FILES`` will be a blank dictionary-like object. |
|``META`` |A standard Python dictionary containing all available HTTP |
| |headers. Available headers depend on the client and server,|
| |but here are some examples: |
| | |
| | |
| |* ``CONTENT_TYPE`` |
| | |
| |* ``QUERY_STRING`` : The raw unparsed query string |
| | |
| |* ``REMOTE_ADDR`` : The IP address of the client |
| | |
| |* ``REMOTE_HOST`` : The hostname of the client |
| | |
| |* ``SERVER_NAME`` : The hostname of the server. |
| | |
| |* ``SERVER_PORT`` : The port of the server |
| | |
| |Any HTTP headers are available in ``META`` as keys prefixed|
| |with ``HTTP_`` , for example: |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |* ``HTTP_HOST`` : The HTTP ``Host`` header sent by the |
| | client |
| | |
| |* ``HTTP_REFERER`` : The referring page, if any |
| | |
| |* ``HTTP_USER_AGENT`` : The clients user-agent string |
| | |
| |* ``HTTP_X_BENDER`` : The value of the ``X-Bender`` |
| | header, if set |
|``user`` |A ``django.contrib.auth.models.User`` object representing |
| |the currently logged-in user. If the user isnt currently |
| |logged in, ``user`` will be set to an instance of |
| |``django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser`` . You can tell|
| |them apart with ``is_authenticated()`` , like so: |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | if request.user.is_authenticated(): |
| | # Do something for logged-in users. |
| | else: |
| | # Do something for anonymous users. |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |``user`` is available only if your Django installation has |
| |the ``AuthenticationMiddleware`` activated. |
| | |
| |For the complete details of authentication and users, see |
| |Chapter 12. |
|``session`` |A readable and writable, dictionary-like object that |
| |represents the current session. This is available only if |
| |your Django installation has session support activated. See|
| |Chapter 12. |
|``raw_post_data``|The raw HTTP POST data. This is useful for advanced |
| |processing. |
.. table:: 表 H-1. HttpRequest对象的属性
|属性 |描述 |
| ``path`` |表示提交请求页面完整地址的字符串, |
| |不包括域名,如 ``"/music/bands/the_beatles/"`` 。 |
|``method`` |表示提交请求使用的HTTP方法。 |
| |它总是大写的。例如: |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | if request.method == 'GET': |
| | do_something() |
| | elif request.method == 'POST': |
| | do_something_else() |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
|``GET`` |一个类字典对象,包含所有的HTTP的GET参数的信息。 |
| |见 ``QueryDict`` 文档。 |
|``POST`` |一个类字典对象,包含所有的HTTP的POST参数的信息。 |
| |见 ``QueryDict`` 文档。 |
| | |
| |通过POST提交的请求有可能包含一个空的 ``POST`` 字典, |
| |也就是说, 一个通过POST方法提交的表单可能不包含数据。 |
| |因此,不应该使用 ``if request.POST`` 来判断POST方法的使用,|
| |而是使用 ``if request.method == "POST"`` |
| |(见表中的 ``method`` 条目)。 |
| | |
| |注意: ``POST`` 并 *不* 包含文件上传信息。 |
| |见 ``FILES`` 。 |
|``REQUEST`` |为了方便而创建,这是一个类字典对象,先搜索 ``POST`` , |
| |再搜索 ``GET`` 。 灵感来自于PHP的 ``$_REQEUST`` 。 |
| | |
| |例如, 若 ``GET = {"name": "john"}`` , ``POST = |
| |{"age": '34'}`` , ``REQUEST["name"]`` 会是 ``"john"`` , |
| |``REQUEST["age"]`` 会是 ``"34"`` 。 |
| | |
| |强烈建议使用 ``GET`` 和 ``POST`` ,而不是 ``REQUEST`` 。 |
| |这是为了向前兼容和更清楚的表示。 |
|``COOKIES`` |一个标准的Python字典,包含所有cookie。 |
| |键和值都是字符串。cookie使用的更多信息见第12章。 |
|``FILES`` |一个类字典对象,包含所有上传的文件。 |
| |``FILES`` 的键来自 ``<input type="file" name="" />`` |
| |中的 ``name`` 。 ``FILES`` 的值是一个标准的Python字典, |
| |包含以下三个键: |
| | |
| |* ``filename`` :字符串,表示上传文件的文件名。 |
| | |
| |* ``content-type`` :上传文件的内容类型。 |
| | |
| |* ``content`` :上传文件的原始内容。 |
| | |
| |注意 ``FILES`` 只在请求的方法是 ``POST`` ,并且提交的 |
| |``<form>`` 包含 ``enctype="multipart/form-data"`` 时 |
| |才包含数据。否则, ``FILES`` 只是一个空的类字典对象。 |
|``META`` |一个标准的Python字典,包含所有有效的HTTP头信息。 |
| |有效的头信息与客户端和服务器有关。 |
| |这里有几个例子: |
| | |
| | |
| |* ``CONTENT_TYPE`` |
| | |
| |* ``QUERY_STRING`` :未解析的原始请求字符串。 |
| | |
| |* ``REMOTE_ADDR`` :客户端IP地址。 |
| | |
| |* ``REMOTE_HOST`` :客户端主机名。 |
| | |
| |* ``SERVER_NAME`` :服务器主机名。 |
| | |
| |* ``SERVER_PORT`` :服务器端口号。 |
| | |
| |在 ``META`` 中有效的任一HTTP头信息都是带有 ``HTTP_`` 前缀的|
| |键,例如: |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |* ``HTTP_HOST`` :客户端发送的 ``Host`` 头信息。 |
| | |
| |* ``HTTP_REFERER`` :被指向的页面,如果存在的。 |
| | |
| |* ``HTTP_USER_AGENT`` :客户端的user-agent字符串。 |
| | |
| |* ``HTTP_X_BENDER`` : ``X-Bender`` 头信息的值, |
| | 如果已设的话。 |
|``user`` |一个 ``django.contrib.auth.models.User`` 对象表示 |
| |当前登录用户。 若当前用户尚未登录, |
| |``user`` 会设为 |
| |``django.contrib.auth.models.AnonymousUser`` 的一个实例。 |
| |可以将它们与 ``is_authenticated()`` 区别开: |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | if request.user.is_authenticated(): |
| | # Do something for logged-in users. |
| | else: |
| | # Do something for anonymous users. |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
| | |
| |``user`` 仅当Django激活 ``AuthenticationMiddleware`` |
| |时有效。 |
| | |
| |关于认证和用户的完整细节,见第12章。 |
|``session`` |一个可读写的类字典对象,表示当前session。 |
| |仅当Django已激活session支持时有效。 |
| |见第12章。 |
|``raw_post_data``|POST的原始数据。 用于对数据的复杂处理。 |
5986天前 |
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10#翻译 |
Request objects also have a few useful methods, as shown in Table H-2.
5986天前 |
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11#翻译 |
.. table:: Table H-2. HttpRequest Methods
|Method |Description |
|``__getitem__(key)``|Returns the GET/POST value for the given key, checking |
| |POST first, and then GET. Raises ``KeyError`` if the key|
| |doesnt exist. |
| | |
| |This lets you use dictionary-accessing syntax on an |
| |``HttpRequest`` instance. |
| | |
| |For example, ``request["foo"]`` is the same as checking |
| |``request.POST["foo"]`` and then ``request.GET["foo"]`` |
| |. |
|``has_key()`` |Returns ``True`` or ``False`` , designating whether |
| |``request.GET`` or ``request.POST`` has the given key. |
|``get_full_path()`` |Returns the ``path`` , plus an appended query string, if|
| |applicable. For example, |
| |``"/music/bands/the_beatles/?print=true"`` |
|``is_secure()`` |Returns ``True`` if the request is secure; that is, if |
| |it was made with HTTPS. |
.. table:: 表 H-2. HttpRequest 的方法
|方法 |描述 |
|``__getitem__(key)``|请求所给键的GET/POST值,先查找POST,然后是GET。 |
| |若键不存在,则引发异常 ``KeyError`` 。 |
| | |
| |该方法使用户可以以访问字典的方式来访问一个 |
| |``HttpRequest`` 实例。 |
| | |
| |例如, ``request["foo"]`` 和先检查 |
| |``request.POST["foo"]`` 再检查 ``request.GET["foo"]`` 一|
| |样。 |
|``has_key()`` |返回 ``True`` 或 ``False`` , |
| |标识 ``request.GET`` 或 ``request.POST`` 是否包含所给的 |
| |键。 |
|``get_full_path()`` |返回 ``path`` ,若请求字符串有效,则附加于其后。 |
| |例如, ``"/music/bands/the_beatles/?print=true"`` 。 |
|``is_secure()`` |如果请求是安全的,则返回 ``True`` 。 |
| |也就是说,请求是以HTTPS的形式提交的。 |
5986天前 |
ezubofai |
翻译 |
14#翻译 |
QueryDict Objects
QueryDict 对象
''''''''''''''''' |
6045天前 |
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15#翻译 |
In an ``HttpRequest`` object, the ``GET`` and ``POST`` attributes are instances
of ``django.http.QueryDict`` . ``QueryDict`` is a dictionary-like class
customized to deal with multiple values for the same key. This is necessary
because some HTML form elements, notably ``<select multiple="multiple">`` ,
pass multiple values for the same key.
在一个 ``HttpRequest`` 对象中, ``GET`` 和 ``POST`` 属性都是 ``django.http.QueryDict`` 的实例。 ``QueryDict`` 是一个类似于字典的类,专门用来处理用一个键的多值。当处理一些HTML表单中的元素,特别是 ``<select multiple="multiple">`` 之类传递同一key的多值的元素时,就需要这个类了。 |
6020天前 |
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16#翻译 |
``QueryDict`` instances are immutable, unless you create a ``copy()`` of them.
That means you cant change attributes of ``request.POST`` and ``request.GET``
``QueryDict`` 实例是不可变的,除非创建了一个 ``copy()`` 副本。也就是说不能直接更改 ``request.POST`` 和 ``request.GET`` 的属性。
5986天前 |
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17#翻译 |
``QueryDict`` implements the all standard dictionary methods, because its a
subclass of dictionary. Exceptions are outlined in Table H-3.
``QueryDict`` 实现了所有标准的字典的方法,因为它正是字典的一个子类。与其不同的东西都已在表H-3中列出。 |
6022天前 |
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18#翻译 |
.. table:: Table H-3. How QueryDicts Differ from StandardDictionaries.
|Method |Differences from Standard dict Implementation |
|``__getitem__``|Works just like a dictionary. However, if the key has more |
| |than one value, ``__getitem__()`` returns the last value. |
|``__setitem__``|Sets the given key to ``[value]`` (a Python list whose single|
| |element is ``value`` ). Note that this, as other dictionary |
| |functions that have side effects, can be called only on a |
| |mutable ``QueryDict`` (one that was created via ``copy()`` ).|
|``get()`` |If the key has more than one value, ``get()`` returns the |
| |last value just like ``__getitem__`` . |
|``update()`` |Takes either a ``QueryDict`` or standard dictionary. Unlike |
| |the standard dictionarys ``update`` method, this method |
| |*appends* to the current dictionary items rather than |
| |replacing them: |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | >>> q = QueryDict('a=1') |
| | >>> q = q.copy() # to make it mutable |
| | >>> q.update({'a': '2'}) |
| | >>> q.getlist('a') |
| | ['1', '2'] |
| | >>> q['a'] # returns the last |
| | ['2'] |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
|``items()`` |Just like the standard dictionary ``items()`` method, except |
| |this uses the same last-value logic as ``__getitem()__`` : |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | >>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3') |
| | >>> q.items() |
| | [('a', '3')] |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
|``values()`` |Just like the standard dictionary ``values()`` method, except|
| |this uses the same last-value logic as ``__getitem()__`` . |
.. table:: 表 H-3. QueryDicts 与标准字典的区别
|方法 |与标准字典实现的不同 |
|``__getitem__``|与一个字典一样。但是,当一个键有多个值时, |
| |``__getitem__()`` 返回最后一个值。 |
|``__setitem__``|将所给键的值设为 ``[value]`` (一个只有一个 ``value`` 元素的 |
| |Python列表)。 注意,因对其它的字典函数有副作用,故它只能被称|
| |为一个可变的 ``QueryDict`` (通过 ``copy()`` 创建)。 |
|``get()`` |如果一个键多个值,和 ``__getitem__`` 一样, ``get()`` 返回 |
| |最后一个值。 |
|``update()`` |参数是一个 ``QueryDict`` 或标准字典。 和标准字典的 |
| | ``update`` 不同,这个方法*增加*而不是替换一项内容: |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | >>> q = QueryDict('a=1') |
| | >>> q = q.copy() # 使其可变 |
| | >>> q.update({'a': '2'}) |
| | >>> q.getlist('a') |
| | ['1', '2'] |
| | >>> q['a'] # 返回最后一个值 |
| | ['2'] |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
|``items()`` |和标准字典的 ``items()`` 方法一样, 不同的是它和 |
| |``__getitem()__`` 一样,返回最后一个值: |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | >>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3') |
| | >>> q.items() |
| | [('a', '3')] |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
|``values()`` |和标准字典的 ``values()`` 方法一样, 不同的是它和 |
| |``__getitem()__`` 一样,返回最后一个值。 |
5986天前 |
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21#翻译 |
In addition, ``QueryDict`` has the methods shown in Table H-4.
另外, ``QueryDict`` 还有在表H-4中列出的方法。 |
6022天前 |
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22#翻译 |
.. table:: H-4. Extra (Nondictionary) QueryDict Methods
|Method |Description |
|``copy()`` |Returns a copy of the object, using ``copy.deepcopy()``|
| |from the Python standard library. The copy will be |
| |mutable that is, you can change its values. |
|``getlist(key)`` |Returns the data with the requested key, as a Python |
| |list. Returns an empty list if the key doesnt exist. |
| |Its guaranteed to return a list of some sort. |
|``setlist(key, |Sets the given key to ``list_`` (unlike |
|list_)`` |``__setitem__()`` ). |
|``appendlist(key, |Appends an item to the internal list associated with |
|item)`` |``key`` . |
|``setlistdefault(key,|Just like ``setdefault`` , except it takes a list of |
|l)`` |values instead of a single value. |
|``lists()`` |Like ``items()`` , except it includes all values, as a |
| |list, for each member of the dictionary. For example: |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | >>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3') |
| | >>> q.lists() |
| | [('a', ['1', '2', '3'])] |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
|``urlencode()`` |Returns a string of the data in query-string format |
| |(e.g., ``"a=2&b=3&b=5"`` ). |
.. table:: 表 H-4. 附加的 (非字典的) QueryDict 方法
|方法 |描述 |
|``copy()`` |返回一个对象的副本,使用的是Python标准库中的 |
| |``copy.deepcopy()`` 。 该副本是可变的, |
| |也就是说,你能改变它的值。 |
|``getlist(key)`` |以Python列表的形式返回所请求键的数据。 |
| |若键不存在则返回空列表。 |
| |它保证了一定会返回某种形式的list。 |
|``setlist(key, |将所给键的键值设为 ``list_`` |
|list_)`` |(与 ``__setitem__()`` 不同)。 |
|``appendlist(key, |在 ``key`` 相关的list上增加 ``item`` 。 |
|item)`` | |
|``setlistdefault(key,|和 ``setdefault`` 一样, 不同的是它的第二个参数是 |
|l)`` |一个列表,而不是一个值。 |
|``lists()`` |和 ``items()`` 一样, 不同的是它以一个列表的形式 |
| |返回字典每一个成员的所有值。 例如: |
| | |
| |:: |
| | |
| | |
| | >>> q = QueryDict('a=1&a=2&a=3') |
| | >>> q.lists() |
| | [('a', ['1', '2', '3'])] |
| | |
| |.. |
| | |
| | |
|``urlencode()`` |返回一个请求字符串格式的数据字符串 |
| |(如, ``"a=2&b=3&b=5"`` )。 |
5986天前 |
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25#翻译 |
A Complete Example
'''''''''''''''''' |
6133天前 |
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26#翻译 |
For example, given this HTML form:
例如, 给定这个HTML表单: |
6133天前 |
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29#翻译 |
if the user enters ``"John Smith"`` in the ``your_name`` field and selects both
The Beatles and The Zombies in the multiple select box, heres what Djangos
request object would have:
如果用户在 ``your_name`` 中输入 ``"John Smith"`` ,并且在多选框中同时选择了The Beatles和The Zombies,那么以下就是Django的request对象所拥有的:
5685天前 |
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32#翻译 |
Implementation Note:
使用时请注意: |
6020天前 |
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33#翻译 |
The ``GET`` , ``POST`` , ``COOKIES`` , ``FILES`` , ``META`` , ``REQUEST`` ,
``raw_post_data`` , and ``user`` attributes are all lazily loaded. That means
Django doesnt spend resources calculating the values of those attributes until
your code requests them.
``GET`` , ``POST`` , ``COOKIES`` , ``FILES`` , ``META`` , ``REQUEST`` ,
``raw_post_data`` 和 ``user`` 这些属性都是延迟加载的。 也就是说除非代码中访问它们,否则Django并不会花费资源来计算这些属性值。 |
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35#翻译 |
In contrast to ``HttpRequest`` objects, which are created automatically by
Django, ``HttpResponse`` objects are your responsibility. Each view you write
is responsible for instantiating, populating, and returning an ``HttpResponse``
与Django自动创建的 ``HttpRequest`` 对象相比, ``HttpResponse`` 对象则是由你创建的。
你创建的每个视图都需要实例化,处理和返回一个 ``HttpResponse`` 对象。 |
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The ``HttpResponse`` class lives at ``django.http.HttpResponse`` .
``HttpResponse`` 类存在于 ``django.http.HttpResponse`` 。
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Construction HttpResponses
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Typically, youll construct an ``HttpResponse`` to pass the contents of the
page, as a string, to the ``HttpResponse`` constructor:
一般情况下,你创建一个 ``HttpResponse`` 时,以字符串的形式来传递页面的内容给 ``HttpResponse`` 的构造函数: |
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But if you want to add content incrementally, you can use ``response`` as a
filelike object:
但是如果希望逐渐增加内容,则可以把 ``response`` 当作一个类文件对象使用: |
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You can pass ``HttpResponse`` an iterator rather than passing it hard-coded
strings. If you use this technique, follow these guidelines:
你可以将一个迭代器传递给 ``HttpResponse`` ,而不是固定的字符串。如果你要这样做的话,请遵循以下规则: |
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* The iterator should return strings.
* 迭代器应返回字符串。 |
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* If an ``HttpResponse`` has been initialized with an iterator as its
content, you cant use the ``HttpResponse`` instance as a filelike object.
Doing so will raise ``Exception`` .
* 若一个 ``HttpResponse`` 已经通过实例化,并以一个迭代器作为其内容,就不能以一个类文件对象使用 ``HttpResponse`` 实例。这样做的话,会导致一个 ``Exception`` 。 |
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Finally, note that ``HttpResponse`` implements a ``write()`` method, which
makes is suitable for use anywhere that Python expects a filelike object. See
Chapter 11 for some examples of using this technique.
最后,注意 ``HttpResponse`` 实现了一个 ``write()`` 方法,使其可以在任何可以使用类文件对象的地方使用。
这方面的例子见第11章。 |
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48#翻译 |
Setting Headers
设置 Headers
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You can add and delete headers using dictionary syntax:
您可以使用字典一样地添加和删除头信息。 |
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You can also use ``has_header(header)`` to check for the existence of a header.
你也可以使用 ``has_header(header)`` 来检查一个头信息项是否存在。 |
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Avoid setting ``Cookie`` headers by hand; instead, see Chapter 12 for
instructions on how cookies work in Django.
请避免手工设置 ``Cookie`` 头,参见第12章Django中cookie工作原理的说明。
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54#翻译 |
HttpResponse Subclasses
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Django includes a number of ``HttpResponse`` subclasses that handle different
types of HTTP responses (see Table H-5). Like ``HttpResponse`` , these
subclasses live in ``django.http`` .
Django包含许多处理不同类型的HTTP请求的 ``HttpResponse`` 子类(见表H-5)。像 ``HttpResponse`` 一样,这些类在 ``django.http`` 中。
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.. table:: Table H-5. HttpResponse Subclasses
|Class |Description |
|``HttpResponseRedirect`` |The constructor takes a single argument: |
| |the path to redirect to. This can be a |
| |fully qualified URL (e.g., |
| |``''`` ) or an |
| |absolute URL with no domain (e.g., |
| |``'/search/'`` ). Note that this returns an|
| |HTTP status code 302. |
|``HttpResponsePermanentRedirect``|Like ``HttpResponseRedirect`` , but it |
| |returns a permanent redirect (HTTP status |
| |code 301) instead of a found redirect |
| |(status code 302). |
|``HttpResponseNotModified`` |The constructor doesnt take any arguments. |
| |Use this to designate that a page hasnt |
| |been modified since the users last request.|
|``HttpResponseBadRequest`` |Acts just like ``HttpResponse`` but uses a |
| |400 status code. |
|``HttpResponseNotFound`` |Acts just like ``HttpResponse`` but uses a |
| |404 status code. |
|``HttpResponseForbidden`` |Acts just like ``HttpResponse`` but uses a |
| |403 status code. |
|``HttpResponseNotAllowed`` |Like ``HttpResponse`` , but uses a 405 |
| |status code. It takes a single, required |
| |argument: a list of permitted methods |
| |(e.g., ``['GET', 'POST']`` ). |
|``HttpResponseGone`` |Acts just like ``HttpResponse`` but uses a |
| |410 status code. |
|``HttpResponseServerError`` |Acts just like ``HttpResponse`` but uses a |
| |500 status code. |
.. table:: 表 H-5. HttpResponse 子类
|类名 |描述 |
|``HttpResponseRedirect`` |构造函数的参数有一个: |
| |重定向的路径。 它可以是一个完整的URL |
| |(例如, ``''`` ) |
| |或者不包括域名的绝对路径(如 |
| |``'/search/'`` )。 注意它返回 |
| |HTTP 状态码 302。 |
|``HttpResponsePermanentRedirect``|类似 ``HttpResponseRedirect`` , 但是它 |
| |返回一个永久重定向 (HTTP 状态码 301), |
| |而不是暂时性重定向(状态码302)。 |
|``HttpResponseNotModified`` |构造函数没有任何参数。 |
| |用它来表示这个页面在上次请求后未改变。 |
|``HttpResponseBadRequest`` |类似 ``HttpResponse`` ,但使用400状态码。 |
|``HttpResponseNotFound`` |类似 ``HttpResponse`` ,但使用404状态码。 |
|``HttpResponseForbidden`` |类似 ``HttpResponse`` ,但使用403状态码。 |
|``HttpResponseNotAllowed`` |类似 ``HttpResponse`` ,但使用405状态码。 |
| |它必须有一个参数: |
| |允许方法的列表。 |
| |(例如, ``['GET', 'POST']`` )。 |
|``HttpResponseGone`` |类似 ``HttpResponse`` ,但使用410状态码。 |
|``HttpResponseServerError`` |类似 ``HttpResponse`` ,但使用500状态码。 |
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59#翻译 |
You can, of course, define your own ``HttpResponse`` subclass to support
different types of responses not supported out of the box.
当然,如果框架不支持一些特性,你也可以定义自己的 ``HttpResponse`` 子类来处理不同的请求。 |
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60#翻译 |
Returning Errors
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61#翻译 |
Returning HTTP error codes in Django is easy. Weve already mentioned the
``HttpResponseNotFound`` , ``HttpResponseForbidden`` ,
``HttpResponseServerError`` , and other subclasses. Just return an instance of
one of those subclasses instead of a normal ``HttpResponse`` in order to
signify an error, for example:
在Django中返回HTTP错误代码很容易。我们前面已经提到 ``HttpResponseNotFound`` , ``HttpResponseForbidden`` , ``HttpResponseServerError`` ,和其它子类。为了更好地表示一个错误,只要返回这些子类之一的一个实例,而不是一个通常的 ``HttpResponse`` ,例如: |
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Because a 404 error is by far the most common HTTP error, theres an easier way
to handle it.
至今为止,404错误是最常见的HTTP错误,有一种更容易的方式来处理。 |
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When you return an error such as ``HttpResponseNotFound`` , youre responsible
for defining the HTML of the resulting error page:
当返回一个错误,比如 ``HttpResponseNotFound`` 时,需要定义错误页面的HTML: |
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For convenience, and because its a good idea to have a consistent 404 error
page across your site, Django provides an ``Http404`` exception. If you raise
``Http404`` at any point in a view function, Django will catch it and return
the standard error page for your application, along with an HTTP error code
为了方便,而且定义一个通用的应用于网站的404错误页面也是一个很好的选择,Django提供了一个 ``Http404`` 异常。如果在视图的任何地方引发 ``Http404`` 异常,Django就会捕获错误并返回应用程序的标准错误页面,当然,还有HTTP错误代码404。 |
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Heres an example:
例如: |
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In order to use the ``Http404`` exception to its fullest, you should create a
template that is displayed when a 404 error is raised. This template should be
called ``404.html`` , and it should be located in the top level of your
template tree.
为了完全发挥出 ``Http404`` 的功能,应创建一个模板,在404错误被引发时显示。模板的名字应该是 ``404.html`` ,而且应该位于模板树的最高层。 |
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Customizing the 404 (Not Found) View
自定义 404 (无法找到) 视图
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When you raise an ``Http404`` exception, Django loads a special view devoted to
handling 404 errors. By default, its the view
``django.views.defaults.page_not_found`` , which loads and renders the template
``404.html`` .
当引发 ``Http404`` 异常,Django加载一个专门处理404错误的视图。默认情况下,这个视图是 ``django.views.defaults.page_not_found`` ,它会加载并显示模板 ``404.html`` 。 |
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This means you need to define a ``404.html`` template in your root template
directory. This template will be used for all 404 errors.
这意味着需要在根模板目录定义一个 ``404.html`` 模板。这个模板会作用于所有404错误。 |
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This ``page_not_found`` view should suffice for 99% of Web applications, but if
you want to override the 404 view, you can specify ``handler404`` in your
URLconf, like so:
视图 ``page_not_found`` 适用于99%的网站应用程序,但若是希望重载该视图,可以在URLconf中指定 ``handler404`` ,就像这样:sfas |
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79#翻译 |
Behind the scenes, Django determines the 404 view by looking for ``handler404``
. By default, URLconfs contain the following line:
后台执行时,Django以 ``handler404`` 来确定404视图。默认情况下,URLconf包含以下内容: |
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That takes care of setting ``handler404`` in the current module. As you can see
in ``django/conf/urls/`` , ``handler404`` is set to
``'django.views.defaults.page_not_found'`` by default.
这句话负责当前模块中的 ``handler404`` 设置。正如你所见,在 ``django/conf/urls/`` 中, ``handler404`` 默认被设为 ``'django.views.defaults.page_not_found'`` 。
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There are three things to note about 404 views:
关于404视图,有三点需要注意: |
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* The 404 view is also called if Django doesnt find a match after checking
every regular expression in the URLconf.
* 当Django在URLconf无法找到匹配的正则表达式时,404视图会显示。 |
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* If you dont define your own 404 view and simply use the default, which is
recommended you still have one obligation: to create a ``404.html``
template in the root of your template directory. The default 404 view will
use that template for all 404 errors.
* 如果没有定义自己的404视图,而只是简单地使用默认的视图,此时就需要在模板目录的根目录创建一个 ``404.html`` 模板。默认的404视图会对所有404错误使用改模板。 |
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* If ``DEBUG`` is set to ``True`` (in your settings module), then your 404
view will never be used, and the traceback will be displayed instead.
* 若 ``DEBUG`` 被设为 ``True`` (在settings模块内),则404视图不会被使用,此时显示的是跟踪信息。 |
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Customizing the 500 (Server Error) View
自定义 500 (服务器错误) 视图
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88#翻译 |
Similarly, Django executes special-case behavior in the case of runtime errors
in view code. If a view results in an exception, Django will, by default, call
the view ``django.views.defaults.server_error`` , which loads and renders the
template ``500.html`` .
同样地,若是在试图代码中出现了运行时错误,Django会进行特殊情况处理。如果视图引发了一个异常,Django会默认访问视图 ``django.views.defaults.server_error`` ,加载并显示模板 ``500.html`` 。 |
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This means you need to define a ``500.html`` template in your root template
directory. This template will be used for all server errors.
这意味着需要在根模板目录定义一个 ``500.html`` 模板。该模板作用于所有服务器错误。 |
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This ``server_error`` view should suffice for 99% of Web applications, but if
you want to override the view, you can specify ``handler500`` in your URLconf,
like so:
视图 ``server_error`` 适用于99%的网站应用程序,但若是希望重载该视图,可以在URLconf中指定 ``handler500`` ,就像这样: |
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