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Chapter 3: The Basics of Dynamic Web Pages
2979天前 ZAP 翻译
In the previous chapter, we explained how to set up a Django project and run the
Django development server. Of course, that site doesnt actually do anything useful
yetall it does is display the It worked! message. Lets change that. This chapter
introduces how to create dynamic Web pages with Django.
前一章中,我们解释了如何建立一个 Django 项目并启动 Django 开发服务器。当然,那个网站实际并没有干什么有用的事情,它所做的只是显示 It worked! 消息。让我们来做些改变。本章将介绍如何使用 Django 创建动态网页。
2764天前 ZAP 翻译
Your First View: Dynamic Content
2979天前 ZAP 翻译
As our first goal, lets create a Web page that displays the current date and time.
This is a good example of a *dynamic* Web page, because the contents of the page
are not staticrather, the contents change according to the result of a computation
(in this case, a calculation of the current time). This simple example doesnt
involve a database or any sort of user inputjust the output of your servers
internal clock.
我们的第一个目标是创建一个显示当前日期和时间的网页。这是一个不错的 *动态* 网页范例,因为该页面的内容不是静态的。相反,其内容是随着计算(本例中是对当前时间的计算)的结果而变化的。这个简单的范例既不涉及数据库,也不需要任何用户输入,仅输出服务器的内部时钟。
4120天前 ZAP 翻译
To create this page, well write a *view function* . A view function, or *view* for
short, is simply a Python function that takes a Web request and returns a Web
response. This response can be the HTML contents of a Web page, or a redirect, or a
404 error, or an XML document, or an image or anything, really. The view itself
contains whatever arbitrary logic is necessary to return that response. This code
can live anywhere you want, as long as its on your Python path. Theres no other
requirementno magic, so to speak. For the sake of putting the code *somewhere* ,
lets create a file called ```` in the ``mysite`` directory, which you
created in the previous chapter.
我们将编写一个 *视图函数* 以创建该页面。所谓的视图函数(或 *视图* ),只不过是一个接受 Web 请求并返回 Web 响应的 Python 函数。实际上,该响应可以是一份网页的 HTML 内容、一次重定向、一条 404 错误、一份 XML 文档、一幅图片,或其它任何东西。视图本身包含返回该响应所需的任意逻辑。该段代码可以随意放置,只要在 Python 的路径设置中就可以了。没有其它要求——也可以说是没有任何奇特之处。为了给这些代码一个 *存身之处* ,让我们在上一章所创建的 ``mysite`` 目录中新建一份名为 ```` 的文件。
2979天前 ZAP 翻译
Heres a view that returns the current date and time, as an HTML document:
以下是一个以 HTML 方式返回当前的日期与时间的视图 (view),:
2979天前 ZAP 翻译
Lets step through this code one line at a time:
4120天前 翻译
    First, we import the class ``HttpResponse`` , which lives in the
    ``django.http`` module. See Appendix H for further details on the
    ``HttpRequest`` and ``HttpResponse`` objects.
    首先,我们从 ``django.http`` 模块导入(import) ``HttpResponse`` 类。参阅附录 H 了解更多关于 ``HttpRequest`` 和 ``HttpResponse`` 的细节。
2979天前 翻译
    Then we import the ``datetime`` module from Pythons standard library, the set
    of useful modules that comes with Python. The ``datetime`` module contains
    several functions and classes for dealing with dates and times, including a
    function that returns the current time.
    然后我们从 Python 标准库(Python 自带的实用模块集合)中导入(import) ``datetime`` 模块。 ``datetime`` 模块包含几个处理日期和时间的函数(functions)和类(classes),其中就包括返回当前时间的函数。
2979天前 翻译
    Next, we define a function called ``current_datetime`` . This is the view
    function. Each view function takes an ``HttpRequest`` object as its first
    parameter, which is typically named ``request`` .
    接下来,我们定义了一个叫做 ``current_datetime`` 的函数。这就是所谓的视图函数(view function)。每个视图函数都以一个 ``HttpRequest`` 对象为第一个参数,该参数通常命名为 ``request`` 。
2979天前 翻译
    Note that the name of the view function doesnt matter; it doesnt have to be
    named in a certain way in order for Django to recognize it. Were calling it
    ``current_datetime`` here, because that name clearly indicates what it does,
    but it could just as well be named ``super_duper_awesome_current_time`` , or
    something equally revolting. Django doesnt care. The next section explains how
    Django finds this function.
    注意视图函数的名称并不重要;并不一定非得以某种特定的方式命名才能让 Django 识别它。此处,我们称之为 ``current_datetime`` ,只是因为该名字明确地指出了它的功能,而它也可以被命名为 ``super_duper_awesome_current_time`` 或者其它同样莫名其妙的名字。Django 并不关心其名字。下一节将解释 Django 如何查找该函数。
2979天前 翻译
    The first line of code within the function calculates the current date/time, as
    a ``datetime.datetime`` object, and stores that as the local variable ``now`` .
    函数中的第一行代码计算当前日期和时间,并以 ``datetime.datetime`` 对象的形式保存为局部变量 ``now`` 。
4120天前 翻译
    The second line of code within the function constructs an HTML response using
    Pythons format-string capability. The ``%s`` within the string is a
    placeholder, and the percent sign after the string means Replace the ``%s``
    with the value of the variable ``now`` . (Yes, the HTML is invalid, but were
    trying to keep the example simple and short.)
  函数的第二行代码用 Python 的格式化字符串(format-string)功能构造了一段 HTML 响应。字符串里面的 ``%s`` 是占位符,字符串之后的百分号表示使用变量 ``now`` 的值替换 ``%s`` 。(是的,这段 HTML 不合法,但我们只不过是想让范例尽量保持简短而已。)
3872天前 翻译
    Finally, the view returns an ``HttpResponse`` object that contains the
    generated response. Each view function is responsible for returning an
    ``HttpResponse`` object. (There are exceptions, but well get to those later.)
    最后,该视图返回一个包含所生成响应的 ``HttpResponse`` 对象。每个视图函数都负责返回一个 ``HttpResponse`` 对象。(也有例外,但是我们稍后才会接触到。)
3676天前 翻译
Djangos Time Zone
Django 时区 (Time Zone)
5835天前 翻译
Django includes a ``TIME_ZONE`` setting that defaults to ``America/Chicago`` . This
probably isnt where you live, so you might want to change it in your
```` . See Appendix E for details.
Django 包含一个默认为 ``America/Chicago`` 的 ``TIME_ZONE`` 设置。这可能不是你所居住的时区,因此你可以在 ```` 文件中修改它。请参阅附录 E 了解更多细节。
5835天前 翻译
Mapping URLs to Views
将 URL 映射到视图
4120天前 翻译
So, to recap, this view function returns an HTML page that includes the current
date and time. But how do we tell Django to use this code? Thats where *URLconfs*
come in.
那么概括起来,该视图函数返回了包含当前日期和时间的一段 HTML 页面。但是如何告诉 Django 使用这段代码呢?这就是 *URLconfs* 登场的地方了。
4514天前 翻译
A *URLconf* is like a table of contents for your Django-powered Web site.
Basically, its a mapping between URL patterns and the view functions that should be
called for those URL patterns. Its how you tell Django, For this URL, call this
code, and for that URL, call that code. Remember that the view functions need to be
on the Python path.
*URLconf* 就像是 Django 所支撑网站的目录。它的本质是 URL 模式以及要为该 URL 模式调用的视图函数之间的映射表。你就是以这种方式告诉 Django,对于这个 URL 调用这段代码,对于那个 URL 调用那段代码。但必须记住的是视图函数必须位于 Python 搜索路径之中。
5835天前 翻译
Your Python Path
Python 搜索路径
4120天前 翻译
Your *Python path* is the list of directories on your system where Python looks
when you use the Python ``import`` statement.
*Python 搜索路径* 就是使用 ``import`` 语句时,Python 所查找的系统目录清单。
4120天前 翻译
For example, lets say your Python path is set to ``['',
'/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages', '/home/username/djcode/']`` . If you execute
the Python code ``from foo import bar`` , Python will first check for a module
called ```` in the current directory. (The first entry in the Python path, an
empty string, means the current directory.) If that file doesnt exist, Python will
look for the file ``/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/`` . If that file doesnt
exist, it will try ``/home/username/djcode/`` . Finally, if *that* file
doesnt exist, it will raise ``ImportError`` .
举例来说,假定你将 Python 路径设置为 ``['','/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages','/home/username/djcode/']`` 。如果执行代码 ``from foo import bar`` ,Python 将会首先在当前目录查找 ```` 模块( Python 路径第一项的空字符串表示当前目录)。如果文件不存在,Python将查找 ``/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/`` 文件。如果文件也不存在,它将尝试 ``/home/username/djcode/`` 。最后,如果 *这个* 文件还不存在,它将引发 ``ImportError`` 异常。
2765天前 ihphtc 翻译
If youre interested in seeing the value of your Python path, start the Python
interactive interpreter and type ``import sys`` , followed by ``print sys.path`` .
如果对了解 Python 搜索路径值感兴趣,可以启动 Python 交互式解释程序,输入 ``import sys`` ,接着输入 ``print sys.path`` 。
5835天前 翻译
Generally you dont have to worry about setting your Python pathPython and Django
will take care of things for you automatically behind the scenes. (If youre
curious, setting the Python path is one of the things that the ```` file
通常,你不必关心 Python 搜索路径的设置。Python 和 Django 会在后台自动帮你处理好。(如果有兴趣了解的话,Python 搜索路径的设置工作是 ```` 文件的职能之一。)
5835天前 翻译
When you executed `` startproject`` in the previous chapter, the
script created a URLconf for you automatically: the file ```` . Lets edit
that file. By default, it looks something like this:
前一章中执行 `` startproject`` 时,该脚本会自动为你建了一份 URLconf(即 ```` 文件)。让我们编辑一下这份文件。預設情况下它是下面这个样子:
3620天前 翻译
Lets step through this code one line at a time:
4120天前 翻译
*   The first line imports all objects from the ``django.conf.urls.defaults``
    module, including a function called ``patterns`` .
*   第一行从 ``django.conf.urls.defaults`` 模块引入了所有的对象,其中包括了叫做 ``patterns`` 的函数。
4120天前 翻译
*   The second line calls the function ``patterns()`` and saves the result into a
    variable called ``urlpatterns`` . The ``patterns()`` function gets passed only
    a single argumentthe empty string. The rest of the lines are commented out.
    (The string can be used to supply a common prefix for view functions, but well
    skip this advanced usage for now.)
*   第二行调用 ``patterns()`` 函数并将返回结果保存到 ``urlpatterns`` 变量。 ``patterns()`` 函数只传入了一个空字符串参数。其他代码行都被注释掉了。 (该字符串可用作视图函数的通用前缀,但目前我们将略过这种高级用法。)

3940天前 翻译
The main thing to note here is the variable ``urlpatterns`` , which Django expects
to find in your ``ROOT_URLCONF`` module. This variable defines the mapping between
URLs and the code that handles those URLs.
当前应该注意是 ``urlpatterns`` 变量, Django 期望能从 ``ROOT_URLCONF`` 模块中找到它。该变量定义了 URL 以及用于处理这些 URL 的代码之间的映射关系。

5835天前 翻译
By default, everything in the URLconf is commented outyour Django application is a
blank slate. (As a side note, thats how Django knew to show you the It worked! page
in the last chapter. If your URLconf is empty, Django assumes you just started a
new project and, hence, displays that message.)
默认情况下,URLconf 所有内容都被注释起来了——Django 应用程序还是白版一块。(旁注:这也就是上一章中 Django 显示“It worked!”页面的原因。如果 URLconf 为空,Django 会认定你才创建好新项目,因此也就显示那种信息。)

5835天前 翻译
Lets edit this file to expose our ``current_datetime`` view:
现在编辑该文件用来展示我们的 ``current_datetime`` 视图:
3677天前 翻译
We made two changes here. First, we imported the ``current_datetime`` view from its
module (``mysite/`` , which translates into ``mysite.views`` in Python
import syntax). Next, we added the line ``(r'^time/$', current_datetime),`` . This
line is referred to as a *URLpattern* its a Python tuple in which the first element
is a simple regular expression and the second element is the view function to use
for that pattern.
我们做了两处修改。首先,我们从模块 (在 Python 的 import 语法中, ``mysite/`` 转译为 ``mysite.views`` ) 中引入了 ``current_datetime`` 视图。接着,我们加入了 ``(r'^time/$', current_datetime),`` 这一行。该行就是所谓的 *URLpattern* ,它是一个 Python 元组,其第一个元素是简单的正则表达式,第二个元素是为该模式应用的视图函数。
4120天前 翻译
In a nutshell, we just told Django that any request to the URL ``/time/`` should be
handled by the ``current_datetime`` view function.
简单来说,我们只是告诉 Django,所有指向 URL ``/time/`` 的请求都应由 ``current_datetime`` 这个视图函数来处理。
4120天前 翻译
A few things are worth pointing out:
6080天前 翻译
    Note that, in this example, we passed the ``current_datetime`` view function as
    an object without calling the function. This is a key feature of Python (and
    other dynamic languages): functions are first-class objects, which means you
    can pass them around just like any other variables. Cool stuff, eh?
    注意,该例中,我们将 ``current_datetime`` 视图函数作为对象传递,而不是调用它。这是 Python (及其它动态语言的) 的一个重要特性:函数是一级对象(first-class objects), 也就是说你可以像传递其它变量一样传递它们。很酷吧?
4120天前 翻译
    The ``r`` in ``r'^time/$'`` means that ``'^time/$`` is a Python raw string.
    This allows regular expressions to be written without overly verbose escaping.
    ``r'^time/$'`` 中的 ``r`` 表示 ``'^time/$'`` 是一个原始字符串。这样一来就可以避免
4120天前 翻译
    You should exclude the expected slash at the beginning of the ``'^time/$'``
    expression in order to match ``/time/`` . Django automatically puts a slash
    before every expression. At first glance, this may seem odd, but URLconfs can
    be included in other URLconfs, and leaving off the leading slash simplifies
    matters. This is further covered in Chapter 8.
    不必在 ``'^time/$'`` 前加斜杠(/)来匹配 ``/time/`` , 因为 Django 会自动在每个表
    达式前添加一个斜杠。乍看起来,这好像有点奇怪,但是 URLconfs 可能由其它的 URLconfs
    所引用, 所以不加前面的斜杠可让事情简单一些。这一点在第 8 章中将有进一步阐述。
3134天前 翻译
    The caret character (``^`` ) and dollar sign character (``$`` ) are important.
    The caret means require that the pattern matches the start of the string, and
    the dollar sign means require that the pattern matches the end of the string.
    上箭头 ``^`` 和美元符号 ``$`` 符号非常重要。上箭头要求表达式对字符串的头部进行匹配,美元符号则要求表达式对字符串的尾部进行匹配。
4120天前 翻译
    This concept is best explained by example. If we had instead used the pattern
    ``'^time/'`` (without a dollar sign at the end), then *any* URL that starts
    with ``time/`` would match, such as ``/time/foo`` and ``/time/bar`` , not just
    ``/time/`` . Similarly, if we had left off the initial caret character
    (``'time/$'`` ), Django would match *any* URL that ends with ``time/`` , such
    as ``/foo/bar/time/`` . Thus, we use both the caret and dollar sign to ensure
    that only the URL ``/time/`` matches. Nothing more, nothing less.
    最好还是用范例来说明一下这个概念。如果我们用 ``'^time/'`` (结尾没有$),
    那么以 ``time/`` 开始的 *任意* URL 都会匹配,比如 ``/time/foo`` 和 ``/time/bar`` ,
    不仅仅是 ``/time/`` 。同样的,如果我们去掉最前面的 ^ ( ``'time/$'`` ),
    Django 一样会匹配由 ``time/`` 结束的 *任意* URL ``/time/`` ,比如
    ``/foo/bar/time/`` 。
    因此,我们必须同时用上 ^ 和 $ 来精确匹配 URL ``/time/`` 。不能多也不能少。

4120天前 翻译
    You may be wondering what happens if someone requests ``/time`` . This is
    handled as youd hope (via a redirect) as long as the ``APPEND_SLASH`` setting
    is ``True`` . (See Appendix E for some good bedtime reading on this topic.)
    你可能想如果有人请求 ``/time`` 也可以同样处理。如果 ``APPEND_SLASH`` 的
    设置是 ``True`` 的话,系统会重定向到 ``/time/`` ,这样就可以一样处理了。 
    (有关内容请查看附录 E )
6079天前 翻译
To test our changes to the URLconf, start the Django development server, as you did
in Chapter 2, by running the command ``python runserver`` . (If you left
it running, thats fine, too. The development server automatically detects changes
to your Python code and reloads as necessary, so you dont have to restart the
server between changes.) The server is running at the address
```` , so open up a Web browser and go to
```` . You should see the output of your Django view.
启动Django开发服务器来测试修改好的 URLconf, 运行命令行 ``python runserver`` 。
开发服务器的地址是 ```` ,打开你的浏览器访问
```` 。 你就可以看到输出结果了。
4120天前 翻译
Hooray! Youve made your first Django-powered Web page.
4120天前 翻译
Regular Expressions
4120天前 翻译
*Regular expressions* (or *regexes* ) are a compact way of specifying patterns in
text. While Django URLconfs allow arbitrary regexes for powerful URL-matching
capability, youll probably use only a few regex patterns in practice. Heres a small
selection of common patterns:
*正则表达式* (或 *regexes* ) 是通用的文本模式匹配的方法。Django URLconfs 允许你

4120天前 翻译
.. table:: 

    |Symbol      |Matches                                                             |
    |``.`` (dot) |Any character                                                       |
    |``\d``      |Any digit                                                           |
    |``[A-Z]``   |Any character, A-Z (uppercase)                                      |
    |``[a-z]``   |Any character, a-z (lowercase)                                      |
    |``[A-Za-z]``|Any character, a-z (case insensitive)                               |
    |``+``       |One or more of the previous expression (e.g., ``\d+`` matches one or|
    |            |more digit)                                                         |
    |``[^/]+``   |All characters except forward slash                                 |
    |``?``       |Zero or more of the previous expression (e.g., ``\d*`` matches zero |
    |            |or more digits)                                                     |
    |``{1,3}``   |Between one and three (inclusive) of the previous expression        |
.. table::

    |符号        |匹配                                                                |
    |``.`` (dot) |任意字符                                                            |
    |``\d``      |任意数字                                                            |
    |``[A-Z]``   |任意字符, A-Z (大写)                                                |
    |``[a-z]``   |任意字符, a-z (小写)                                                |
    |``[A-Za-z]``|任意字符, a-z (不区分大小写)                                        |
    |``+``       |匹配一个或更多 (例如, ``\d+`` 匹配一个或                            |
    |            |多个数字字符)                                                       |
    |``[^/]+``   |不是/的任意字符                                                     |
    |``*``       |匹配0个或更多 (例如, ``\d*`` 匹配0个                                |
    |            |或更多数字字符)                                                     |
    |``{1,3}``   |匹配1个到3个(包含)                                                |
4120天前 翻译
For more on regular expressions, see

4120天前 翻译
How Django Processes a Request
4120天前 翻译
We should point out several things about what just happened. Heres the nitty-gritty
of what goes on when you run the Django development server and make requests to Web
4120天前 翻译
    The command ``python runserver`` imports a file called
    ```` from the same directory. This file contains all sorts of
    optional configuration for this particular Django instance, but one of the most
    important settings is ``ROOT_URLCONF`` . The ``ROOT_URLCONF`` setting tells
    Django which Python module should be used as the URLconf for this Web site.
    命令 ``python runserver`` 从同一目录载入文件 ```` 。   该文件包含了这个特定的Django实例所有的各种可选配置,其中一个最重要的配置就是 ``ROOT_URLCONF`` 。 ``ROOT_URLCONF`` 告诉Django哪个Python模块应该用作本网站的 URLconf。
5942天前 翻译
    Remember when `` startproject`` created the files
    ```` and ```` ? Well, the autogenerated ```` has a
    ``ROOT_URLCONF`` that points to the autogenerated ```` . Convenient.
    还记得 `` startproject`` 创建的文件 ```` 和 ```` 吗?
    这是系统自动生成的 ```` 里 ``ROOT_URLCONF`` 默认设置是 ```` 。
4506天前 翻译
    When a request comes insay, a request to the URL ``/time/`` Django loads the
    URLconf pointed to by the ``ROOT_URLCONF`` setting. Then it checks each of the
    URLpatterns in that URLconf in order, comparing the requested URL with the
    patterns one at a time, until it finds one that matches. When it finds one that
    matches, it calls the view function associated with that pattern, passing an
    ``HttpRequest`` object as the first parameter to the function. (More on
    ``HttpRequest`` later.)
    当访问 URL ``/time/`` 时,Django 根据 ``ROOT_URLCONF`` 的设置装载 URLconf 。
    的URLpatterns就调用相关联的view函数,并把 ``HttpRequest`` 对象作为第一个参数。
    (稍后再给出 ``HttpRequest`` 的更多信息)
4120天前 翻译
    The view function is responsible for returning an ``HttpResponse`` object.
该 view 函数负责返回一个 ``HttpResponse`` 对象。

4120天前 翻译
You now know the basics of how to make Django-powered pages. Its quite simple,
reallyjust write view functions and map them to URLs via URLconfs. You might think
it would be slow to map URLs to functions using a series of regular expressions,
but youd be surprised.
你现在知道了怎么做一个 Django-powered 页面了,真的很简单,只需要写视图函数并用
4120天前 翻译
How Django Processes a Request: Complete Details
4120天前 翻译
In addition to the straightforward URL-to-view mapping just described, Django
provides quite a bit of flexibility in processing requests.
4120天前 翻译
The typical flowURLconf resolution to a view function which returns an
``HttpResponse`` can be short-circuited or augmented via middleware. The deep
secrets of middleware will be fully covered in Chapter 15, but a quick sketch (see
Figure 3-1) should aid you in conceptually fitting the pieces together.
通过 URLconf 解析到哪个视图函数来返回 ``HttpResponse`` 可以通过中间件(middleware)
来短路或者增强。关于中间件的细节将在第十五章详细谈论,这里给出 图3-1 让你先了解
4120天前 翻译
.. image::
    :alt: The complete flow of a Django request and response.
.. image::
    :alt: Django request 和 response 的完整流程。
4120天前 翻译
Figure 3-1: The complete flow of a Django request and response.
3133天前 翻译
When an HTTP request comes in from the browser, a server-specific *handler*
constructs the ``HttpRequest`` passed to later components and handles the flow of
the response processing.
当服务器收到一个HTTP请求以后,一个服务器特定的 *handler* 会创建 ``HttpRequest`` 
6079天前 翻译
The handler then calls any available Request or View middleware. These types of
middleware are useful for augmenting incoming ``HttpRequest`` objects as well as
providing special handling for specific types of requests. If either returns an
``HttpResponse`` , processing bypasses the view.
这个 handler 然后调用所有可用的Request或者View中间件。这些类型的中间件通常是用来
增强 ``HttpRequest`` 对象来对一些特别类型的request做些特别处理。只要其中有一个
返回 ``HttpResponse`` ,系统就跳过对视图的处理。
4120天前 翻译
Bugs slip by even the best programmers, but *exception middleware* can help squash
them. If a view function raises an exception, control passes to the Exception
middleware. If this middleware does not return an ``HttpResponse`` , the exception
is re-raised.
即便是最棒的程序员也会有出错的时候, 这个时候 *异常处理中间件(exception middleware)* 
中间件没有返回 ``HttpResponse`` ,意味着它不能处理这个异常,这个异常将会再次抛出。
6079天前 翻译
Even then, all is not lost. Django includes default views that create a friendly
404 and 500 response.
即便是这样,你也不用担心。Django包含預設的视图来生成友好的404 和 500 回应(response)。
3619天前 翻译
Finally, *response middleware* is good for post-processing an ``HttpResponse`` just
before its sent to the browser or doing cleanup of request-specific resources.
最后, *response middleware* 做发送 ``HttpResponse`` 给浏览器之前的后处理或者清除
4119天前 翻译
URLconfs and Loose Coupling
3619天前 翻译
Nows a good time to highlight a key philosophy behind URLconfs and behind Django in
general: the principle of *loose coupling* . Simply put, loose coupling is a
software-development approach that values the importance of making pieces
interchangeable. If two pieces of code are loosely coupled, then changes made to
one of the pieces will have little or no effect on the other.
现在是好时机来指出Django和URL配置背后的哲学: *松耦合* 原则。简单的说,松耦合是一个
5648天前 翻译
Djangos URLconfs are a good example of this principle in practice. In a Django Web
application, the URL definitions and the view functions they call are loosely
coupled; that is, the decision of what the URL should be for a given function, and
the implementation of the function itself, reside in two separate places. This lets
a developer switch out one piece without affecting the other.
4119天前 翻译
In contrast, other Web development platforms couple the URL to the program. In
typical PHP (``_) applications, for example, the URL of your
application is designated by where you place the code on your filesystem. In early
versions of the CherryPy Python Web framework (``_), the
URL of your application corresponded to the name of the method in which your code
lived. This may seem like a convenient shortcut in the short term, but it can get
unmanageable in the long run.
相比之下,其他的Web开发平台紧耦合和URL到代码中。在典型的PHP (``_) 
应用,URL的设计是通过放置代码的目录来实现。在早期的 CherryPy Python Web framework (``_) 中,URL对应处理的方法名。这可能在短期看起来是便利之举,
4119天前 翻译
For example, consider the view function we wrote earlier, which displays the
current date and time. If we wanted to change the URL for the application say, move
it from ``/time/`` to ``/currenttime/`` we could make a quick change to the
URLconf, without having to worry about the underlying implementation of the
function. Similarly, if we wanted to change the view functionaltering its logic
somehowwe could do that without affecting the URL to which the function is bound.
Furthermore, if we wanted to expose the current-date functionality at *several*
URLs, we could easily take care of that by editing the URLconf, without having to
touch the view code.
从原来的 ``/time/`` 改变到 ``/currenttime/`` ,我们只需要快速的修改一下URL配置即可,
到对应的URL。此外,如果我们想要输出这个函数到 *一些* URL, 我们只需要修改URL配置而不用
3619天前 翻译
Thats loose coupling in action. Well continue to point out examples of this
important philosophy throughout this book.
4119天前 翻译
404 Errors
404 错误
6080天前 翻译
In our URLconf thus far, weve defined only a single URLpattern: the one that
handles requests to the URL ``/time/`` . What happens when a different URL is
In our URLconf thus far, weve defined only a single URLpattern: the one that
handles requests to the URL ``/time/`` . What happens when a different URL is
3133天前 翻译
To find out, try running the Django development server and hitting a page such as
```` or ```` , or
even ```` (the site root). You should see a Page not found
message (see Figure 3-2). (Pretty, isnt it? We Django people sure do like our
pastel colors.) Django displays this message because you requested a URL thats not
defined in your URLconf.
让我们试试看,运行Django开发服务器并访问类似 ```` 或者
```` ,甚至 ```` 
(网站根目录)。你将会看到一个 “Page not found” 页面(图 3-2)。(挺漂亮的,是吧?
你会喜欢上我们的配色方案的;-) 如果请求的URL没有在URL配置里设置,Django就会显示这个页面。
2765天前 ztxouir 翻译
.. image::
    :alt: Screenshot of Djangos 404 page.
.. image::
    :alt: Djangos 404 页面截屏.

4119天前 翻译
Figure 3-2. Djangos 404 page
图 3-2. Django的 404 页面

6079天前 翻译
The utility of this page goes beyond the basic 404 error message; it also tells you
precisely which URLconf Django used and every pattern in that URLconf. From that
information, you should be able to tell why the requested URL threw a 404.
6079天前 翻译
Naturally, this is sensitive information intended only for you, the Web developer.
If this were a production site deployed live on the Internet, we wouldnt want to
expose that information to the public. For that reason, this Page not found page is
only displayed if your Django project is in *debug mode* . Well explain how to
deactivate debug mode later. For now, just know that every Django project is in
debug mode when you first create it, and if the project is not in debug mode, a
different response is given.
这些信息。出于这个考虑,这个“Page not found”页面只会在 *调试模式(debug mode)* 下
5924天前 翻译
Your Second View: Dynamic URLs
4119天前 翻译
In our first view example, the contents of the pagethe current date/time were
dynamic, but the URL (``/time/`` ) was static. In most dynamic Web applications,
though, a URL contains parameters that influence the output of the page.
在我们的第一个视图范例中,尽管内容是动态的,但是URL ( ``/time/`` )是静态的。在
4119天前 翻译
Lets create a second view that displays the current date and time offset by a
certain number of hours. The goal is to craft a site in such a way that the page
``/time/plus/1/`` displays the date/time one hour into the future, the page
``/time/plus/2/`` displays the date/time two hours into the future, the page
``/time/plus/3/`` displays the date/time three hours into the future, and so on.
``/time/plus/1/`` 显示当前时间+1个小时的页面
``/time/plus/2/`` 显示当前时间+2个小时的页面
``/time/plus/3/`` 显示当前时间+3个小时的页面,以此类推。
4119天前 翻译
A novice might think to code a separate view function for each hour offset, which
might result in a URLconf like this:
6079天前 翻译
Clearly, this line of thought is flawed. Not only would this result in redundant
view functions, but also the application is fundamentally limited to supporting
only the predefined hour rangesone, two, three, or four hours. If, all of a sudden,
we wanted to create a page that displayed the time *five* hours into the future,
wed have to create a separate view and URLconf line for that, furthering the
duplication and insanity. We need to do some abstraction here.
预先定义好的时间段,2小时,3小时,或者4小时。如果哪天我们要实现 *5* 小时,我们就
6079天前 翻译
A Word About Pretty URLs
6079天前 翻译
If youre experienced in another Web development platform, such as PHP or Java, you
may be thinking, Hey, lets use a query string parameter!, something like
``/time/plus?hours=3`` , in which the hours would be designated by the ``hours``
parameter in the URLs query string (the part after the ``?`` ).
查询字符串参数来表示它们吧,例如 ``/time/plus?hours=3`` ,哪个时间段用 ``hours``
参数代表,URL的查询字符串(query string)是URL里 ``?`` 后面的字符串。
4119天前 翻译
You *can* do that with Django (and well tell you how later, if you really must
know), but one of Djangos core philosophies is that URLs should be beautiful. The
URL ``/time/plus/3/`` is far cleaner, simpler, more readable, easier to recite to
somebody aloud and just plain prettier than its query string counterpart. Pretty
URLs are a sign of a quality Web application.
你 *可以* 在Django里也这样做 (如果你真的想要这样做,我们稍后会告诉你怎么做),
但是Django的一个核心理念就是URL必须看起来漂亮。URL ``/time/plus/3/`` 更加清晰,
6079天前 翻译
Djangos URLconf system encourages pretty URLs by making it easier to use pretty
URLs than *not* to.
4021天前 翻译
Wildcard URLpatterns
6079天前 翻译
Continuing with our ``hours_ahead`` example, lets put a wildcard in the URLpattern.
As we mentioned previously, a URLpattern is a regular expression; hence, we can use
the regular expression pattern ``\d+`` to match one or more digits:
继续我们的 ``hours_ahead`` 范例,让我们在URL模式里使用通配符。我们前面讲到,URL模式
是一个正则表达式,因此,我们可以使用正则表达式模式  ``\d+`` 来匹配一个或多个数字:
6079天前 翻译
This URLpattern will match any URL such as ``/time/plus/2/`` , ``/time/plus/25/`` ,
or even ``/time/plus/100000000000/`` . Come to think of it, lets limit it so that
the maximum allowed offset is 99 hours. That means we want to allow either one- or
two-digit numbersin regular expression syntax, that translates into ``\d{1,2}`` :
这个URL模式将匹配类似 ``/time/plus/2/`` , ``/time/plus/25/`` ,甚至
``/time/plus/100000000000/`` 的任何URL。更进一步,让我们把它限制在最大允许99个小时,
这样我们就只允许一个或两个数字,正则表达式的语法就是 ``\d{1,2}`` :
5901天前 翻译
4119天前 翻译
When building Web applications, its always important to consider the most
outlandish data input possible, and decide whether or not the application should
support that input. Weve curtailed the outlandishness here by limiting the offset
to 99 hours. And, by the way, The Outlandishness Curtailers would be a fantastic,
if verbose, band name.
4119天前 翻译
Now that weve designated a wildcard for the URL, we need a way of passing that data
to the view function, so that we can use a single view function for any arbitrary
hour offset. We do this by placing parentheses around the data in the URLpattern
that we want to save. In the case of our example, we want to save whatever number
was entered in the URL, so lets put parentheses around the ``\d{1,2}`` :
出来。在这个例子中,我们想要把这些数字作为参数,用圆括号把 ``\d{1,2}`` 包围起来:
4805天前 翻译
If youre familiar with regular expressions, youll be right at home here; were using
parentheses to *capture* data from the matched text.
如果你熟悉正则表达式,那么你应该已经了解,正则表达式也是用圆括号来从文本里 *提取* 数据的。
4119天前 翻译
The final URLconf, including our previous ``current_datetime`` view, looks like
最终的 ``current_datetime`` URLconf,包含我们前面的视图,看起来像这样:
4119天前 翻译
With that taken care of, lets write the ``hours_ahead`` view.
现在开始写 ``hours_ahead`` 视图。
4119天前 翻译
Coding Order
4119天前 翻译
In this example, we wrote the URLpattern first and the view second, but in the
previous example, we wrote the view first, then the URLpattern. Which technique is
better? Well, every developer is different.
這個例子中,我們先寫了URLpattern ,然後是視圖,但是在前面的例子中,我們先寫了視圖,然後是URLpattern 。哪種技術更好?嗯,怎麼說呢,每個開發者是不一樣的。
3619天前 翻译
If youre a big-picture type of person, it may make the most sense to you to write
all of the URLpatterns for your application at the same time, at the start of your
project, and then code up the views. This has the advantage of giving you a clear
to-do list, and it essentially defines the parameter requirements for the view
functions youll need to write.
6079天前 翻译
If youre more of a bottom-up developer, you might prefer to write the views first,
and then anchor them to URLs afterward. Thats OK, too.
5952天前 翻译
In the end, it comes down to which technique fits your brain the best. Both
approaches are valid.
5658天前 翻译
``hours_ahead`` is very similar to the ``current_datetime`` view we wrote earlier,
with a key difference: it takes an extra argument, the number of hours of offset.
Add this to ```` :
``hours_ahead`` 和我们以前写的 ``current_datetime`` 很象,关键的区别在于:
```` 修改如下:
6079天前 翻译
Lets step through this code one line at a time:
6079天前 翻译
    Just as we did for our ``current_datetime`` view, we import the class
    ``django.http.HttpResponse`` and the ``datetime`` module.
    就像我们在我们的 ``current_datetime`` 视图中所作的一样,我们导入
    ``django.http.HttpResponse`` 类和 ``datetime`` 模块。
6079天前 翻译
    The view function, ``hours_ahead`` , takes *two* parameters: ``request`` and
    ``offset`` .
    视图函数, ``hours_ahead`` , 有 *两个* 参数: ``request`` 和
    ``offset`` .
6079天前 翻译
        ``request`` is an ``HttpRequest`` object, just as in ``current_datetime`` .
        Well say it again: each view *always* takes an ``HttpRequest`` object as
        its first parameter.
        ``request`` 是一个 ``HttpRequest`` 对象, 就像在 ``current_datetime`` 中一样.
        再说一次好了: 每一个视图 *总是* 以一个 ``HttpRequest`` 对象作为

5993天前 翻译
        ``offset`` is the string captured by the parentheses in the URLpattern. For
        example, if the requested URL were ``/time/plus/3/`` , then ``offset``
        would be the string ``'3'`` . If the requested URL were ``/time/plus/21/``
        , then ``offset`` would be the string ``'21'`` . Note that captured strings
        will always be *strings* , not integers, even if the string is composed of
        only digits, such as ``'21'`` .
        ``offset`` 是从匹配的URL里提取出来的。例如:
        如果URL是 ``/time/plus/3/`` 那么 ``offset`` 是字符串 ``'3'`` ,
        如果URL是 ``/time/plus/21/`` ,那么 ``offset`` 是字符串 ``'21'`` ,
        注意,提取的字符串总是 *字符串* ,不是整数,即便都是数字组成,就象 ``'21'`` 。
6079天前 翻译
        We decided to call the variable ``offset`` , but you can call it whatever
        youd like, as long as its a valid Python identifier. The variable name
        doesnt matter; all that matters is that its the second argument to the
        function (after ``request`` ). Its also possible to use keyword, rather
        than positional, arguments in an URLconf. We cover that in Chapter 8.
        在这里我们命名变量为 ``offset`` ,你也可以任意命名它,只要符合Python
        参数 (在 ``request`` 的后面)。你还可以使用关键字来定义它,而不是用
6079天前 翻译
    The first thing we do within the function is call ``int()`` on ``offset`` .
    This converts the string value to an integer.
    我们在这个函数中要做的第一件事情就是在 ``offset`` 上调用 ``int()``  .
6079天前 翻译
    Note that Python will raise a ``ValueError`` exception if you call ``int()`` on
    a value that cannot be converted to an integer, such as the string ``'foo'`` .
    However, in this example we dont have to worry about catching that exception,
    because we can be certain ``offset`` will be a string containing only digits.
    We know that because the regular-expression pattern in our URLconf
    ``(\d{1,2})`` captures only digits. This illustrates another nicety of
    URLconfs: they provide a fair level of input validation.
    注意Python可能会在你调用 ``int()`` 来转换一个不能转换成整数时抛出 
    ``ValueError`` 异常,例如字符串 ``'foo'`` 。
    当然,在这个范例中我们不用担心这个问题,因为我们已经确定 ``offset`` 是
    只包含数字字符的字符串。因为正则表达式 ``(\d{1,2})`` 只提取数字字符。
6079天前 翻译
    The next line of the function shows why we called ``int()`` on ``offset`` . On
    this line, we calculate the current time plus a time offset of ``offset``
    hours, storing the result in ``dt`` . The ``datetime.timedelta`` function
    requires the ``hours`` parameter to be an integer.
    下一行显示了我们为什么调用 ``int()`` 来转换 ``offset`` 。 这一行我们要
    计算当前时间加上这个时间差 ``offset`` 小时,保存结果到变量 ``dt`` 。
    ``datetime.timedelta`` 函数的参数 ``hours`` 必须是整数类型。
6079天前 翻译
    Next, we construct the HTML output of this view function, just as we did in
    ``current_datetime`` . A small difference in this line from the previous line
    is that it uses Pythons format-string capability with *two* values, not just
    one. Hence, there are two ``%s`` symbols in the string and a tuple of values to
    insert: ``(offset, dt)`` .
    而不仅仅是一个值。因此,在字符串中有两个 ``%s`` 符号和一个以进行插入的值的元组:
    ``(offset, dt)`` 。

4514天前 翻译
    Finally, we return an ``HttpResponse`` of the HTMLagain, just as we did in
    ``current_datetime`` .
    最后,我们再一次返回一个HTML的 ``HttpResponse`` ,就像我们在 ``current_datetime`` 做的一样。
5998天前 翻译
With that view function and URLconf written, start the Django development server
(if its not already running), and visit ```` to
verify it works. Then try ```` . Then
```` . Finally, visit
```` to verify that the pattern in your URLconf
only accepts one- or two-digit numbers; Django should display a Page not found
error in this case, just as we saw in the 404 Errors section earlier. The URL
```` (with *no* hour designation) should also throw
a 404.
```` 来确认它工作正常。
然后是 ```` 。再然后是 
```` 。最后,访问
```` 来检验URL配置里设置的模式是否只
接受一个或两个数字;Django会显示一个 Page not found error 页面, 
和以前看到的 404 错误一样。访问URL
```` (*没有* 定义时间差) 也会抛出404错误。
2765天前 ffbvbwj 翻译
If youre following along while coding at the same time, youll notice that the
```` file now contains two views. (We omitted the ``current_datetime`` view
from the last set of examples for clarity.) Put together, ```` should look
like this:
你现在已经注意到 ```` 文件中包含了两个视图, ```` 看起来象这样:

6079天前 翻译
Djangos Pretty Error Pages
Django 漂亮的出错页面

6079天前 翻译
Take a moment to admire the fine Web application weve made so far now lets break
it! Well deliberately introduce a Python error into our ```` file by
commenting out the ``offset = int(offset)`` line in the ``hours_ahead`` view:
```` 文件中引入一项 Python 错误,注释掉 ``hours_ahead`` 视图中的
``offset = int(offset)``  一行。
6079天前 翻译
Load up the development server and navigate to ``/time/plus/3/`` . Youll see an
error page with a significant amount of information, including a ``TypeError``
message displayed at the very top: ``"unsupported type for timedelta hours
component: str"`` .
启动开发服务器,然后访问 ``/time/plus/3/`` 。你会看到一个包含大量信息的出错页,最上面
的一条 ``TypeError`` 信息是: ``"unsupported type for timedelta hours
component: str"``  。
5998天前 翻译
What happened? Well, the ``datetime.timedelta`` function expects the ``hours``
parameter to be an integer, and we commented out the bit of code that converted
``offset`` to an integer. That caused ``datetime.timedelta`` to raise the
``TypeError`` . Its the typical kind of small bug that every programmer runs into
at some point.
怎么回事呢?是的, ``datetime.timedelta`` 函数要求 ``hours`` 参数必须为整型,
而我们注释掉了将 ``offset`` 转为整型的代码。这样导致 ``datetime.timedelta`` 
弹出 ``TypeError`` 异常。这是所有程序员某个时候都可能碰到的一种典型错误。

5855天前 翻译
The point of this example was to demonstrate Djangos error pages. Take some time to
explore the error page and get to know the various bits of information it gives
这个例子是为了展示 Django 的出错页面。我们来花些时间看一看这个出错页,了解一下其中

6079天前 翻译
Here are some things to notice:

5862天前 翻译
    At the top of the page, you get the key information about the exception: the
    type of exception, any parameters to the exception (the ``"unsupported type"``
    message in this case), the file in which the exception was raised, and the
    offending line number.
    在页面顶部,你可以得到关键的异常信息:异常数据类型、异常的参数 (如本例中的 ``"unsupported type"`` )、在哪个文件中引发了异常、出错的行号等等。

5862天前 翻译
    Under the key exception information, the page displays the full Python
    traceback for this exception. This is similar to the standard traceback you get
    in Pythons command-line interpreter, except its more interactive. For each
    frame in the stack, Django displays the name of the file, the function/method
    name, the line number, and the source code of that line.
    在关键异常信息下方,该页面显示了对该异常的完整 Python 追踪信息。这类似于你在 Python 命令行解释器中获得的追溯信息,只不过后者更具交互性。对栈中的每一帧,Django 均显示了其文件名、函数或方法名、行号及该行源代码。

5862天前 翻译
    Click the line of source code (in dark gray), and youll see several lines from
    before and after the erroneous line, to give you context.
    点击该行代码 (以深灰色显示),你可以看到出错行的前后几行,从而得知相关上下文情况。

5862天前 翻译
    Click Local vars under any frame in the stack to view a table of all local
    variables and their values, in that frame, at the exact point in the code at
    which the exception was raised. This debugging information is invaluable.
    点击栈中的任何一帧的“Local vars”可以看到一个所有局部变量的列表,以及在出错

5862天前 翻译
    Note the Switch to copy-and-paste view text under the Traceback header. Click
    those words, and the traceback will switch to a alternate version that can be
    easily copied and pasted. Use this when you want to share your exception
    traceback with others to get technical support such as the kind folks in the
    Django IRC chat room or on the Django users mailing list.
    注意“Traceback”下面的“Switch to copy-and-paste view”文字。点击这些字,追溯会
    追溯以获得技术支持时(比如在 Django 的 IRC 聊天室或邮件列表中),可以使用它。

6079天前 翻译
    Next, the Request information section includes a wealth of information about
    the incoming Web request that spawned the error: GET and POST information,
    cookie values, and meta information, such as CGI headers. Appendix H has a
    complete reference of all the information a request object contains.
    接下来的“Request information”部分包含了有关产生错误的 Web 请求的大量信息:
    GET 和 POST、cookie 值、元数据(象 CGI 头)。在附录H里给出了request的对象的

5861天前 翻译
    Below the Request information section, the Settings section lists all of the
    settings for this particular Django installation. All the available settings
    are covered in detail in Appendix E. For now, take a look at the settings to
    get an idea of the information available.
    Request信息的下面,“Settings”列出了 Django 使用的具体配置信息。同样在附录E
    给出了settings 配置的完整参考。现在,大概浏览一下,对它们有个大致印象就好了。
6079天前 翻译
The Django error page is capable of displaying more information in certain special
cases, such as the case of template syntax errors. Well get to those later, when we
discuss the Django template system. For now, uncomment the ``offset = int(offset)``
line to get the view function working properly again.
Django 的出错页某些情况下有能力显示更多的信息,比如模板语法错误。我们讨论 Django 
模板系统时再说它们。现在,取消  ``offset = int(offset)`` 这行的注释,让它重新正常
6079天前 翻译
Are you the type of programmer who likes to debug with the help of carefully placed
``print`` statements? You can use the Django error page to do sojust without the
``print`` statements. At any point in your view, temporarily insert an ``assert
False`` to trigger the error page. Then, you can view the local variables and state
of the program. (Theres a more advanced way to debug Django views, which well
explain later, but this is the quickest and easiest.)
不知道你是不是那种使用小心放置的 ``print`` 语句来帮助调试的程序员?你其实可以用 Django 
出错页来做这些,而不用 ``print`` 语句。在你视图的任何位置,临时插入一个 ``assert
False`` 来触发出错页。然后,你就可以看到局部变量和程序语句了。(还有更高级的办法来调试
Django 视图,我们后来再说,但这个是最快捷最简单的办法了。)

5856天前 翻译
Finally, its obvious that much of this information is sensitiveit exposes the
innards of your Python code and Django configurationand it would be foolish to show
this information on the public Internet. A malicious person could use it to attempt
to reverse-engineer your Web application and do nasty things. For that reason, the
Django error page is only displayed when your Django project is in debug mode. Well
explain how to deactivate debug mode later. For now, just know that every Django
project is in debug mode automatically when you start it. (Sound familiar? The Page
not found errors, described in the 404 Errors section, work the same way.)
最后,很显然这些信息很多是敏感的,它暴露了你 Python 代码的内部结构以及 Django 
配置,在 Internet 上公开这信息是很愚蠢的。不怀好意的人会尝试使用它攻击你的 Web 
应用程序,做些下流之事。因此,Django 出错信息仅在 debug 模式下才会显现。我们稍后
说明如何禁用 debug 模式。现在,你只要知道 Django 服务器在你开启它时默认运行在 
debug 模式就行了。(听起来很熟悉?“Page not found”错误,“404 错误”一节也这样描述过。)
6079天前 翻译
Whats next?

2764天前 btkwzdrn 翻译
Weve so far been producing views by hard-coding HTML into the Python code.
Unfortunately, this is nearly always a bad idea. Luckily, Django ships with a
simple yet powerful template engine that allows you to separate the design of the
page from the underlying code. Well dive into Djangos template engine in the next
4693天前 翻译