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0#翻译 |
Chapter 15: Middleware
第十五章 中间件
---------------------- |
2777天前 |
qwzbxmcl |
翻译 |
1#翻译 |
On occasion, youll need to run a piece of code on each and every request that
Django handles. This code might need to modify the request before the view
handles it, it might need to log information about the request for debugging
purposes, and so forth.
在有些场合,需要对Django处理的每个request都执行某段代码。这类代码可能是在view处理之前修改传入的request,或者记录日志信息以便于调试,等等。 |
6040天前 |
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2#翻译 |
You can do this with Djangos *middleware* framework, which is a set of hooks
into Djangos request/response processing. Its a light, low-level plug-in system
capable of globally altering both Djangos input and output.
这类功能可以用Django的中间件框架来实现,该框架由切入到Django的request/response处理过程中的钩子集合组成。这个轻量级低层次的plug-in系统,能用于全面的修改Django的输入和输出。 |
2783天前 |
Lavigne |
翻译 |
3#翻译 |
Each middleware component is responsible for doing some specific function. If
youre reading this book linearly (sorry, postmodernists), youve seen middleware
a number of times already:
每个中间件组件都用于某个特定的功能。如果顺序阅读这本书(谨对后现代主义者表示抱歉),你可能已经多次看到中间件了: |
6039天前 |
翻译 |
4#翻译 |
* All of the session and user tools that we looked at in Chapter 12 are made
possible by a few small pieces of middleware (more specifically, the
middleware makes ``request.session`` and ``request.user`` available to you
in views).
* 第12章中所有的session和user工具都籍由一小簇中间件实现(例如,由中间件设定view中可见的 ``request.session`` 和 ``request.user`` )。 |
5867天前 |
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5#翻译 |
* The sitewide cache discussed in Chapter 13 is actually just a piece of
middleware that bypasses the call to your view function if the response for
that view has already been cached.
* 第13章讨论的站点范围cache实际上也是由一个中间件实现,一旦该中间件发现与view相应的response已在缓存中,就不再调用对应的view函数。 |
2783天前 |
Missi |
翻译 |
6#翻译 |
* The ``flatpages`` , ``redirects`` , and ``csrf`` contributed applications
from Chapter 14 all do their magic through middleware components.
* 第14章所介绍的 ``flatpages`` , ``redirects`` , 和 ``csrf`` 等应用也都是通过中间件组件来完成其魔法般的功能。 |
2783天前 |
Ellie |
翻译 |
7#翻译 |
This chapter dives deeper into exactly what middleware is and how it works, and
explains how you can write your own middleware.
这一章将深入到中间件及其工作机制中,并阐述如何自行编写中间件。 |
2783天前 |
Jonay |
翻译 |
8#翻译 |
Whats Middleware?
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2783天前 |
Linx |
翻译 |
9#翻译 |
A middleware component is simply a Python class that conforms to a certain API.
Before diving into the formal aspects of what that API is, lets look at a very
simple example.
中间件组件是遵循特定API规则的简单Python类。在深入到该API规则的正式细节之前,先看一下下面这个非常简单的例子。 |
2784天前 |
Brendy |
翻译 |
10#翻译 |
High-traffic sites often need to deploy Django behind a load-balancing proxy
(see Chapter 20). This can cause a few small complications, one of which is
that every requests remote IP (``request.META["REMOTE_IP"]`` ) will be that of
the load balancer, not the actual IP making the request. Load balancers deal
with this by setting a special header, ``X-Forwarded-For`` , to the actual
requesting IP address.
高流量的站点通常需要将Django部署在负载平衡proxy(参见第20章)之后。这种方式将带来一些复杂性,其一就是每个request中的远程IP地址(``request.META["REMOTE_IP"]``)将指向该负载平衡proxy,而不是发起这个request的实际IP。负载平衡proxy处理这个问题的方法在特殊的 ``X-Forwarded-For`` 中设置实际发起请求的IP。 |
6039天前 |
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11#翻译 |
So heres a small bit of middleware that lets sites running behind a proxy still
see the correct IP address in ``request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"]`` :
因此,需要一个小小的中间件来确保运行在proxy之后的站点也能够在 ``request.META["REMOTE_ADDR"]`` 中得到正确的IP地址: |
2783天前 |
Gildas |
翻译 |
14#翻译 |
If this is installed (see the next section), every requests ``X-Forwarded-For``
value will be automatically inserted into ``request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']`` .
This means your Django applications dont need to be concerned with whether
theyre behind a load-balancing proxy or not; they can simply access
``request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']`` , and that will work whether or not a proxy is
being used.
一旦安装了该中间件(参见下一节),每个request中的 ``X-Forwarded-For`` 值都会被自动插入到 ``request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']`` 中。这样,Django应用就不需要关心自己是否位于负载平衡proxy之后;简单读取 ``request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']`` 的方式在是否有proxy的情形下都将正常工作。 |
6039天前 |
johnansog |
翻译 |
15#翻译 |
In fact, this is a common enough need that this piece of middleware is a
built-in part of Django. It lives in ``django.middleware.http`` , and you can
read a bit more about it in the next section.
实际上,为针对这个非常常见的情形,Django已将该中间件内置。它位于 ``django.middleware.http`` 中, 下一节将给出这个中间件相关的更多细节。 |
6039天前 |
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16#翻译 |
Middleware Installation
`````````` |
6039天前 |
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17#翻译 |
If youve read this book straight through, youve already seen a number of
examples of middleware installation; many of the examples in previous chapters
have required certain middleware. For completeness, heres how to install
如果按顺序阅读本书,应当已经看到涉及到中间件安装的多个示例,因为前面章节的许多例子都需要某些特定的中间件。出于完整性考虑,下面介绍如何安装中间件。 |
2783天前 |
Jayhawk |
翻译 |
18#翻译 |
To activate a middleware component, add it to the ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` tuple
in your settings module. In ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` , each middleware component
is represented by a string: the full Python path to the middlewares class name.
For example, heres the default ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` created by
`` startproject`` :
要启用一个中间件,只需将其添加到配置模块的 ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` 元组中。在 ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` 中,中间件组件用字符串表示:指向中间件类名的完整Python路径。例如,下面是 `` startproject`` 创建的缺省 ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` : |
2783天前 |
Biana |
翻译 |
21#翻译 |
A Django installation doesnt require any middleware ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` can
be empty, if youd like but we recommend that you activate ``CommonMiddleware``
, which we explain shortly.
Django项目的安装并不强制要求任何中间件,如果你愿意, ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` 可以为空。但我们建议启用 ``CommonMiddleware`` ,稍后做出解释。 |
6039天前 |
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22#翻译 |
The order is significant. On the request and view phases, Django applies
middleware in the order given in ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` , and on the response
and exception phases, Django applies middleware in reverse order. That is,
Django treats ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` as a sort of wrapper around the view
function: on the request it walks down the list to the view, and on the
response it walks back up. See the section How Django Processes a Request:
Complete Details in Chapter 3 for a review of the phases.
这里中间件出现的顺序非常重要。在request和view的处理阶段,Django按照 ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` 中出现的顺序来应用中间件,而在response和异常处理阶段,Django则按逆序来调用它们。也就是说,Django将 ``MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES`` 视为view函数外层的顺序包装子:在request阶段按顺序从上到下穿过,而在response则反过来。关于Django处理阶段的详细信息,请参见第三章"Django怎么处理一个请求: 完整细节"这一节。 |
2783天前 |
Barbie |
翻译 |
23#翻译 |
Middleware Methods
`````````````` |
6039天前 |
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24#翻译 |
Now that you know what middleware is and how to install it, lets take a look at
all the available methods that middleware classes can define.
现在,我们已经知道什么是中间件和怎么安装它,下面将介绍中间件类中可以定义的所有方法。 |
6039天前 |
Valjean |
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25#翻译 |
Initializer: __init__(self)
Initializer: __init__(self)
''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
6040天前 |
Tangie |
翻译 |
26#翻译 |
Use ``__init__()`` to perform systemwide setup for a given middleware class.
在中间件类中, ``__init__()`` 方法用于执行系统范围的设置。 |
2783天前 |
Allie |
翻译 |
27#翻译 |
For performance reasons, each activated middleware class is instantiated only
*once* per server process. This means that ``__init__()`` is called only once
at server startup not for individual requests.
出于性能的考虑,每个已启用的中间件在每个服务器进程中只初始化 *一* 次。也就是说 ``__init__()`` 仅在服务进程启动的时候调用,而在针对单个request处理时并不执行。 |
2783天前 |
Jaycee |
翻译 |
28#翻译 |
A common reason to implement an ``__init__()`` method is to check whether the
middleware is indeed needed. If ``__init__()`` raises
``django.core.exceptions.MiddlewareNotUsed`` , then Django will remove the
middleware from the middleware stack. You might use this feature to check for
some piece of software that the middleware class requires, or check whether the
server is running debug mode, or any other such environment situation.
对一个middleware而言,定义 ``__init__()`` 方法的通常原因是检查自身的必要性。如果 ``__init__()`` 抛出异常 ``django.core.exceptions.MiddlewareNotUsed`` ,则Django将从middleware栈中移出该middleware。可以用这个机制来检查middleware依赖的软件是否存在、服务是否运行于调试模式、以及任何其它环境因素。 |
6039天前 |
Kassi |
翻译 |
29#翻译 |
If a middleware class defines an ``__init__()`` method, the method should take
no arguments beyond the standard ``self`` .
在中间件中定义 ``__init__()`` 方法时,除了标准的 ``self`` 参数之外,不应定义任何其它参数。 |
6039天前 |
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30#翻译 |
Request Preprocessor: process_request(self, request)
Request预处理函数: process_request(self, request)
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
6039天前 |
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31#翻译 |
This method gets called as soon as the request has been received before Django
has parsed the URL to determine which view to run. It gets passed the
``HttpRequest`` object, which you may modify at will.
这个方法的调用时机在Django接收到request之后,但仍未解析URL以确定应当运行的view之前。Django向它传入相应的 ``HttpRequest`` 对象,以便在方法中修改。 |
2783天前 |
Deliverance |
翻译 |
32#翻译 |
``process_request()`` should return either ``None`` or an ``HttpResponse``
``process_request()`` 应当返回 ``None`` 或 ``HttpResponse`` 对象. |
6040天前 |
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33#翻译 |
* If it returns ``None`` , Django will continue processing this request,
executing any other middleware and then the appropriate view.
* 如果返回 ``None`` , Django将继续处理这个request,执行后续的中间件, 然后调用相应的view.
2783天前 |
Reignbeau |
翻译 |
34#翻译 |
* If it returns an ``HttpResponse`` object, Django wont bother calling *any*
other middleware (of any type) or the appropriate view. Django will
immediately return that ``HttpResponse`` .
* 如果返回 ``HttpResponse`` 对象, Django 将不再执行 *任何* 其它的中间件(而无视其种类)以及相应的view。 Django将立即返回该 ``HttpResponse`` . |
2783天前 |
Nelia |
翻译 |
35#翻译 |
View Preprocessor: process_view(self, request, view, args, kwargs)
View预处理函数: process_view(self, request, view, args, kwargs)
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
6039天前 |
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36#翻译 |
This method gets called after the request preprocessor is called and Django has
determined which view to execute, but before that view has actually been
这个方法的调用时机在Django执行完request预处理函数并确定待执行的view之后,但在view函数实际执行之前。 |
2783天前 |
Conyers |
翻译 |
37#翻译 |
The arguments passed to this view are shown in Table 15-1.
表15-1列出了传入到这个View预处理函数的参数。 |
2783天前 |
Kaycee |
翻译 |
38#翻译 |
.. table:: Table 15-1. Arguments Passed to process_view()
|Argument |Explanation |
|``request``|The ``HttpRequest`` object. |
|``view`` |The Python function that Django will call to handle this request.|
| |This is the actual function object itself, not the name of the |
| |function as a string. |
|``args`` |The list of positional arguments that will be passed to the view,|
| |not including the ``request`` argument (which is always the first|
| |argument to a view). |
|``kwargs`` |The dictionary of keyword arguments that will be passed to the |
| |view. |
SoSjGG <a href="">yiqzndzralaf</a>, [url=]gjemutbubtxu[/url], [link=]zgdgecnxtllq[/link], |
4665天前 |
翻译 |
41#翻译 |
Just like ``process_request()`` , ``process_view()`` should return either
``None`` or an ``HttpResponse`` object.
如同 ``process_request()`` , ``process_view()`` 应当返回 ``None`` 或 ``HttpResponse`` 对象。 |
2783天前 |
Valjean |
翻译 |
42#翻译 |
* If it returns ``None`` , Django will continue processing this request,
executing any other middleware and then the appropriate view.
* 如果返回 ``None`` , Django将继续处理这个 ``request`` ,执行后续的中间件, 然后调用相应的view. |
2783天前 |
Nevaeh |
翻译 |
43#翻译 |
* If it returns an ``HttpResponse`` object, Django wont bother calling *any*
other middleware (of any type) or the appropriate view. Django will
immediately return that ``HttpResponse`` .
* 如果返回 ``HttpResponse`` 对象, Django 将不再执行 *任何* 其它的中间件(不论种类)以及相应的view. Django将立即返回该 ``HttpResponse`` . |
6039天前 |
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44#翻译 |
Response Postprocessor: process_response(self, request, response)
Response后处理函数: process_response(self, request, response)
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
2783天前 |
Spud |
翻译 |
45#翻译 |
This method gets called after the view function is called and the response is
generated. Here, the processor can modify the content of a response; one
obvious use case is content compression, such as gzipping of the requests HTML.
这个方法的调用时机在Django执行view函数并生成response之后。这里,该处理器就能修改response的内容;一个常见的用途是内容压缩,如gzip所请求的HTML页面。 |
2783天前 |
Yancy |
翻译 |
46#翻译 |
The parameters should be pretty self-explanatory: ``request`` is the request
object, and ``response`` is the response object returned from the view.
这个方法的参数相当直观: ``request`` 是request对象,而 ``response`` 则是从view中返回的response对象。 |
2783天前 |
Cordy |
翻译 |
47#翻译 |
Unlike the request and view preprocessors, which may return ``None`` ,
``process_response()`` *must* return an ``HttpResponse`` object. That response
could be the original one passed into the function (possibly modified) or a
brand-new one.
不同可能返回 ``None`` 的request和view预处理函数, ``process_response()`` *必须* 返回 ``HttpResponse`` 对象. 这个response对象可以是传入函数的那一个原始对象(通常已被修改),也可以是全新生成的。 |
5867天前 |
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48#翻译 |
Exception Postprocessor: process_exception(self, request, exception)
Exception后处理函数: process_exception(self, request, exception)
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
6039天前 |
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49#翻译 |
This method gets called only if something goes wrong and a view raises an
uncaught exception. You can use this hook to send error notifications, dump
postmortem information to a log, or even try to recover from the error
这个方法只有在request处理过程中出了问题并且view函数抛出了一个未捕获的异常时才会被调用。这个钩子可以用来发送错误通知,将现场相关信息输出到日志文件, 或者甚至尝试从错误中自动恢复。
6039天前 |
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50#翻译 |
The parameters to this function are the same ``request`` object weve been
dealing with all along, and ``exception`` , which is the actual ``Exception``
object raised by the view function.
这个函数的参数除了一贯的 ``request`` 对象之外,还包括view函数抛出的实际的异常对象 ``exception`` 。 |
2783天前 |
Mahaley |
翻译 |
51#翻译 |
``process_exception()`` should return a either ``None`` or an ``HttpResponse``
``process_exception()`` 应当返回 None 或 HttpResponse 对象. |
2783天前 |
Magda |
翻译 |
52#翻译 |
* If it returns ``None`` , Django will continue processing this request with
the frameworks built-in exception handling.
* 如果返回 ``None`` , Django将用框架内置的异常处理机制继续处理相应request。 |
2783天前 |
Janeece |
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53#翻译 |
* If it returns an ``HttpResponse`` object, Django will use that response
instead of the frameworks built-in exception handling.
* 如果返回 ``HttpResponse`` 对象, Django 将使用该response对象,而短路框架内置的异常处理机制。 |
6039天前 |
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54#翻译 |
备注 |
2783天前 |
Buff |
翻译 |
55#翻译 |
Django ships with a number of middleware classes (discussed in the following
section) that make good examples. Reading the code for them should give you a
good feel for the power of middleware.
Django自带了相当数量的中间件类(将在随后章节介绍),它们都是相当好的范例。阅读这些代码将使你对中间件的强大有一个很好的认识。 |
2783天前 |
Lucky |
翻译 |
56#翻译 |
You can also find a number of community-contributed examples on Djangos wiki:
在Djangos wiki上也可以找到大量的社区贡献的中间件范例:
``_ |
6039天前 |
Jock |
翻译 |
57#翻译 |
Built-in Middleware
2783天前 |
Mahalia |
翻译 |
58#翻译 |
Django comes with some built-in middleware to deal with common problems, which
we discuss in the sections that follow.
Django自带若干内置中间件以处理常见问题,将从下一节开始讨论。 |
2783天前 |
Tasmine |
翻译 |
59#翻译 |
Authentication Support Middleware
'''''''''''''' |
6039天前 |
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60#翻译 |
Middleware class: ``django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware`` .
中间件类: ``django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware`` . |
2783天前 |
Tori |
翻译 |
61#翻译 |
This middleware enables authentication support. It adds the ``request.user``
attribute, representing the currently logged-in user, to every incoming
``HttpRequest`` object.
wSOx5R <a href="">hztnqpaboavm</a>, [url=]vmvmmjrsqxic[/url], [link=]sngrfxoajwdo[/link], |
4657天前 |
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62#翻译 |
See Chapter 12 for complete details.
完整的细节请参见第12章。 |
6039天前 |
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63#翻译 |
Common Middleware
SP3df8 <a href="">bfqhoouwrdmm</a>, [url=]hzujzeyighho[/url], [link=]mbrgpoykhljx[/link], |
4665天前 |
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64#翻译 |
Middleware class: ``django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware`` .
mBh1AN <a href="">vmlyatgebrhc</a>, [url=]dvatqsqhoxsu[/url], [link=]zuchupmuwhub[/link], |
4657天前 |
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65#翻译 |
This middleware adds a few conveniences for perfectionists:
这个中间件为完美主义者提供了一些便利: |
6039天前 |
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66#翻译 |
*Forbids access to user agents in the ``DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS`` setting* :
If provided, this setting should be a list of compiled regular expression
objects that are matched against the user-agent header for each incoming
request. Heres an example snippet from a settings file:
*禁止 ``DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS`` 列表中所设置的user agent访问* :一旦提供,这一列表应当由已编译的正则表达式对象组成,这些对象用于匹配传入的request请求头中的user-agent域。下面这个例子来自某个配置文件片段: |
5994天前 |
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69#翻译 |
Note the ``import re`` , because ``DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS`` requires its
values to be compiled regexes (i.e., the output of ``re.compile()`` ). The
settings file is regular python, so its perfectly OK to include Python
``import`` statements in it.
请注意 ``import re`` ,因为 ``DISALLOWED_USER_AGENTS`` 要求其值为已编译的正则表达式(也就是 ``re.compile()`` 的返回值)。配置文件是常规的python文件,所以在其中包括Python ``import`` 语句不会有任何问题。 |
6039天前 |
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70#翻译 |
*Performs URL rewriting based on the ``APPEND_SLASH`` and ``PREPEND_WWW``
settings* : If ``APPEND_SLASH`` is ``True`` , URLs that lack a trailing
slash will be redirected to the same URL with a trailing slash, unless the
last component in the path contains a period. So ```` is
redirected to ```` , but ```` is passed
through unchanged.
*依据 ``APPEND_SLASH`` 和 ``PREPEND_WWW`` 的设置执行URL重写* :如果 ``APPEND_SLASH`` 为 ``True`` , 那些尾部没有斜杠的URL将被重定向到添加了斜杠的相应URL,除非path的最末组成部分包含点号。因此, ```` 会被重定向到 ```` , 但是 ```` 将以不变形式通过。 |
2783天前 |
Maisyn |
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71#翻译 |
If ``PREPEND_WWW`` is ``True`` , URLs that lack a leading www. will be
redirected to the same URL with a leading www..
如果 ``PREPEND_WWW`` 为 True , 那些缺少先导www.的URLs将会被重定向到含有先导www.的相应URL上。 |
2783天前 |
Jady |
翻译 |
72#翻译 |
Both of these options are meant to normalize URLs. The philosophy is that
each URL should exist in one and only one place. Technically the URL
```` is distinct from ```` , which in turn
is distinct from ```` . A search-engine indexer would
treat these as separate URLs, which is detrimental to your sites
search-engine rankings, so its a best practice to normalize URLs.
这两个选项都是为了规范化URL。其后的哲学是每个URL都应且只应当存在于一处。技术上来说,URL ```` 与 ```` 及 ```` 都互不相同。搜索引擎编目程序将把它们视为不同的URL,这将不利于该站点的搜索引擎排名,因此这里的最佳实践是将URL规范化。 |
2783天前 |
Kaycee |
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73#翻译 |
*Handles ETags based on the ``USE_ETAGS`` setting* : *ETags* are an
HTTP-level optimization for caching pages conditionally. If ``USE_ETAGS``
is set to ``True`` , Django will calculate an ETag for each request by
MD5-hashing the page content, and it will take care of sending ``Not
Modified`` responses, if appropriate.
*依据 ``USE_ETAGS`` 的设置处理Etag* : *ETags* 是HTTP级别上按条件缓存页面的优化机制。如果 ``USE_ETAGS`` 为 ``True`` ,Django针对每个请求以MD5算法处理页面内容,从而得到Etag, 在此基础上,Django将在适当情形下处理并返回 ``Not Modified`` 回应(译注:或者设置response头中的Etag域)。 |
6039天前 |
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74#翻译 |
Note there is also a conditional ``GET`` middleware, covered shortly, which
handles ETags and does a bit more.
请注意,还有一个条件化的 ``GET`` 中间件, 处理Etags并干得更多,下面马上就会提及。
2783天前 |
Daveigh |
翻译 |
75#翻译 |
Compression Middleware
'''''''''' |
2783天前 |
Zariel |
翻译 |
76#翻译 |
Middleware class: ``django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware`` .
中间件类: ``django.middleware.gzip.GZipMiddleware`` . |
6039天前 |
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77#翻译 |
This middleware automatically compresses content for browsers that understand
gzip compression (all modern browsers). This can greatly reduce the amount of
bandwidth a Web server consumes. The tradeoff is that it takes a bit of
processing time to compress pages.
这个中间件自动为能处理gzip压缩(包括所有的现代浏览器)的浏览器自动压缩返回]内容。这将极大地减少Web服务器所耗用的带宽。代价是压缩页面需要一些额外的处理时间。 |
6039天前 |
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78#翻译 |
We usually prefer speed over bandwidth, but if you prefer the reverse, just
enable this middleware.
相对于带宽,人们一般更青睐于速度,但是如果你的情形正好相反,尽可启用这个中间件。 |
6039天前 |
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79#翻译 |
Conditional GET Middleware
''''''''''''''''' |
6039天前 |
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80#翻译 |
Middleware class: ``django.middleware.http.ConditionalGetMiddleware`` .
中间件类: ``django.middleware.http.ConditionalGetMiddleware`` . |
6039天前 |
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81#翻译 |
This middleware provides support for conditional ``GET`` operations. If the
response has an ``Last-Modified`` or ``ETag`` or header, and the request has
``If-None-Match`` or ``If-Modified-Since`` , the response is replaced by an 304
(Not modified) response. ``ETag`` support depends on on the ``USE_ETAGS``
setting and expects the ``ETag`` response header to already be set. As
discussed above, the ``ETag`` header is set by the Common middleware.
这个中间件对条件化 ``GET`` 操作提供支持。如果response头中包括 ``Last-Modified`` 或 ``ETag`` 域,并且request头中包含 ``If-None-Match`` 或 ``If-Modified-Since`` 域,且两者一致,则该response将被response 304(Not modified)取代。对 ``ETag`` 的支持依赖于 ``USE_ETAGS`` 配置及事先在response头中设置 ``ETag`` 域。稍前所讨论的通用中间件可用于设置response中的 ``ETag`` 域。 |
2783天前 |
Dotty |
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82#翻译 |
It also removes the content from any response to a ``HEAD`` request and sets
the ``Date`` and ``Content-Length`` response headers for all requests.
此外,它也将删除处理 ``HEAD`` request时所生成的response中的任何内容,并在所有request的response头中设置 ``Date`` 和 ``Content-Length`` 域。 |
6039天前 |
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83#翻译 |
Reverse Proxy Support (X-Forwarded-For Middleware)
反向代理支持 (X-Forwarded-For中间件)
'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' |
2783天前 |
Sticky |
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84#翻译 |
Middleware class: ``django.middleware.http.SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor`` .
中间件类: ``django.middleware.http.SetRemoteAddrFromForwardedFor`` . |
2783天前 |
Regina |
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85#翻译 |
This is the example we examined in the Whats Middleware? section earlier. It
sets ``request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']`` based on
``request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']`` , if the latter is set. This is useful
if youre sitting behind a reverse proxy that causes each requests
``REMOTE_ADDR`` to be set to ```` .
这是我们在 什么是中间件 这一节中所举的例子。 在 ``request.META['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']`` 存在的前提下,它根据其值来设置 ``request.META['REMOTE_ADDR']`` 。在站点位于某个反向代理之后的、每个request的 ``REMOTE_ADDR`` 都被指向 ```` 的情形下,这一功能将非常有用。 |
2783天前 |
Elyza |
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86#翻译 |
红色警告! |
6039天前 |
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87#翻译 |
This middleware does *not* validate ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` .
这个middleware并 *不* 验证 ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` 的合法性。 |
6039天前 |
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88#翻译 |
If youre not behind a reverse proxy that sets ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR``
automatically, do not use this middleware. Anybody can spoof the value of
``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` , and because this sets ``REMOTE_ADDR`` based on
``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` , that means anybody can fake his IP address.
如果站点并不位于自动设置 ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` 的反向代理之后,请不要使用这个中间件。否则,因为任何人都能够伪造 ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` 值,而 ``REMOTE_ADDR`` 又是依据 ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` 来设置,这就意味着任何人都能够伪造IP地址。 |
2784天前 |
Dell |
翻译 |
89#翻译 |
Only use this middleware when you can absolutely trust the value of
只有当能够绝对信任 ``HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR`` 值得时候才能够使用这个中间件。 |
2784天前 |
Becky |
翻译 |
90#翻译 |
Session Support Middleware
'''''''''''''' |
2784天前 |
Laicee |
翻译 |
91#翻译 |
Middleware class: ``django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware`` .
中间件类: ``django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware`` . |
2783天前 |
Joyelle |
翻译 |
92#翻译 |
This middleware enables session support. See Chapter 12 for details.
这个中间件激活会话支持功能. 细节请参见第12章。 |
6039天前 |
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93#翻译 |
Sitewide Cache Middleware
'''''''''''''' |
2783天前 |
Gerry |
翻译 |
94#翻译 |
Middleware class: ``django.middleware.cache.CacheMiddleware`` .
ZV3FvR <a href="">haiujfhxgmcm</a>, [url=]nvlhddespdgs[/url], [link=]siljtaebxpgm[/link], |
4666天前 |
翻译 |
95#翻译 |
This middleware caches each Django-powered page. This was discussed in detail
in Chapter 13.
这个中间件缓存Django处理的每个页面。已在第13章中详细讨论。 |
6039天前 |
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96#翻译 |
Transaction Middleware
6039天前 |
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97#翻译 |
Middleware class: ``django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware`` .
中间件类: ``django.middleware.transaction.TransactionMiddleware`` . |
6039天前 |
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98#翻译 |
This middleware binds a database ``COMMIT`` or ``ROLLBACK`` to the
request/response phase. If a view function runs successfully, a ``COMMIT`` is
issued. If the view raises an exception, a ``ROLLBACK`` is issued.
这个中间件将数据库的 ``COMMIT`` 或 ``ROLLBACK`` 绑定到request/response处理阶段。如果view函数成功执行,则发出 ``COMMIT`` 指令。如果view函数抛出异常,则发出 ``ROLLBACK`` 指令。 |
6039天前 |
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99#翻译 |
The order of this middleware in the stack is important. Middleware modules
running outside of it run with commit-on-save the default Django behavior.
Middleware modules running inside it (coming later in the stack) will be under
the same transaction control as the view functions.
这个中间件在栈中的顺序非常重要。其外层的中间件模块运行在Django缺省的 保存-提交 行为模式下。而其内层中间件(在栈中的其后位置出现)将置于与view函数一致的事务机制的控制下。 |
6039天前 |
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100#翻译 |
See Appendix C for more about information about database transactions.
关于数据库事务处理的更多信息,请参见附录C。 |
6039天前 |
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101#翻译 |
X-View Middleware
X-View 中间件
''''''''''''' |
6039天前 |
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102#翻译 |
Middleware class: ``django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware`` .
中间件类: ``django.middleware.doc.XViewMiddleware`` . |
6039天前 |
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103#翻译 |
This middleware sends custom ``X-View`` HTTP headers to HEAD requests that come
from IP addresses defined in the ``INTERNAL_IPS`` setting. This is used by
Djangos automatic documentation system.
这个中间件将对来自 ``INTERNAL_IPS`` 所设置的内部IP的HEAD请求发送定制的 ``X-View`` HTTP头。Django的自动文档系统使用了这个中间件。 |
6039天前 |
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104#翻译 |
Whats Next?
`````` |
6039天前 |
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105#翻译 |
Web developers and database-schema designers dont always have the luxury of
starting from scratch. In the next chapter, well cover how to integrate with
legacy systems, such as database schemas youve inherited from the 1980s.
Web开发者和数据库模式设计人员并不总是享有白手起家打造项目的奢侈机会。下一章将阐述如何集成遗留系统,比如继承自1980年代的数据库模式。 |
6039天前 |
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